Prayers For Healing

20 Empowering Prayers for Healing for a Friend

Prayers for Healing for a Friend
Written by Joseph Crescent

My dear friend is going through a tough time. She’s been dealing with some health issues and they have taken a toll on her both physically and emotionally. I wanted to write a post today asking for prayers for healing on her behalf. I know that she is a strong person, but sometimes we all need extra support from our friends and family. So if you could take a moment to send your thoughts and prayers her way, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Healing for a Friend

Before you begin Prayers for Healing for a Friend there are a few things you can do to prepare.

  1. First, spend some time reflecting on your friend’s strengths and how they have coped with difficult situations in the past. This will help you to focus your prayers and have faith that they will be able to overcome this challenge.
  2. Second, take some time to gather information about their medical condition so that you can pray specifically for their needs.
  3. Third, reach out to other people who are close to your friend and ask them to join you in prayer. This will create a strong support network and sense of community that will be essential during the healing process.
  4. Fourth, find some inspiring Bible verses or quotes that you can share with your friend to give them hope.
  5. Finally, make sure to schedule some time into your day to pray regularly for your friend’s healing.

By taking these steps, you will be well-prepared to lift them up in prayer and support them through their journey.

Prayer for speedy recovery for a friend

Prayer can be a powerful ally when someone we care about is ill. If you have a friend who is ill and you’re looking for the right words to say, consider these four prayers for speedy recovery.

Example 1:

Heavenly Father, we come to You today on behalf of our friend who is ill. We ask that You would touch them with Your healing hand and restore them to health. Give them the strength they need to fight their illness, and comfort them in their time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 2:

Lord Jesus, we know that You are the Great Physician and that there is no illness too big or small for You to heal. We ask that You would touch our friend and heal them completely. Grant them the strength they need to get through this difficult time, and surround them with Your love and care. In Your name, Amen.

Example 3:

Almighty God, we know that You are a compassionate God who cares for those who are sick. We ask that You would heal our friend and restore them to good health. Help them to find comfort in knowing that You are with them during this difficult time, and give them the strength they need to recover fully. In Your name, Amen.

Example 4:

Heavenly Father, we lift up our friend who is ill to You today. We ask that You would bless them with a speedy recovery and grant them the strength they need to get through this tough time. We also pray for their family and friends who are supporting them during this difficult time – give them wisdom and guidance as they care for their loved one. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

For More: 18 Powerful Prayers For Sick Animals

Short prayer for healing for a friend

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help to heal the mind, body, and soul. If you have a friend who is going through a tough time, consider sending them a short prayer for healing. Here are four prayers that you can share:

Example 5:

“Dear God, please heal my friend’s body, mind, and soul. Help them to feel your love and peace, and give them the strength to face each day with courage.”

Example 6:

“Lord, I ask for your healing touch to be on my friend. Ease their pain and suffering, and restore their health in your perfect timing.”

Example 7:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend to you. Surround them with your love and care, and give them the peace that only you can provide. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 8:

“Almighty God, I ask for your miraculous healing power to flow through my friend right now. Remove all sickness and disease from their body, and let them experience your perfect peace and joy. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!”

For More: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

Healing prayer for a sick friend

Example 9:

Heavenly Father, I praise You that You are the great Physician. I thank You for Your healing power that is at work in my friend’s body even now. I ask that You would continue to work miracles of healing in her body, and I believe that she will be healed completely according to Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 10:

Lord Jesus, I come before You today on behalf of my sick friend. I know that You are compassionate and full of mercy, and I trust in Your great love for her. I ask that You would heal her body and give her strength and courage to face whatever lies ahead. Also ask that You would give me wisdom and strength to be a support and encouragement to her during this time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 11:

Holy Spirit, I ask that You would fall fresh on my friend today and fill her with Your healing power. I also ask that You would surround her with Your peace and comfort as she goes through this difficult time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 12:

Father, I thank You for the gift of life. I praise You that even in the midst of sickness and disease, life is still Your gift to us. I ask that You would give my friend new life today-life in abundance according to Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

For More: 17 Best Prayers for Emotional Healing

Prayer for strength and healing for a friend

Example 13:

Prayer for strength – Dear God, please give my friend the strength to face each day with courage. Help them to find hope in the midst of their trials, and comfort them when they are feeling sad or alone. Grant them the strength to persevere, and the wisdom to know when to ask for help. Amen.

Example 14:

Prayer for healing – Heavenly Father, I pray that you would heal my friend’s body, mind, and spirit. Bring them relief from their pain, and restore them to health. Give them the courage to face their illness, and the strength to keep fighting. I believe that with your help, they will be healed completely. Amen.

Example 15:

Prayer for courage – Dear God, please give my friend the courage to face their fears. Help them to overcome their anxiety and worry, and give them peace of mind. Give them the strength to take one step at a time, and the perseverance to never give up. I know that with your help, they can overcome anything. Amen.

Example 16:

Prayer for peace – Heavenly Father, I pray that you would grant my friend peace of mind and heart. Help them to find calm in the midst of their chaos, and strength in times of trouble. Guide them towards your light, and show them the way to a life of peace and joy. Amen.

For More: 19 Powerful Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend

Short prayer for healing and recovery for someone

Example 17:

I thank you for ‘s healing. I know that you are a God who provides miracles and works in wonderful ways. So, I ask that you would heal ‘s body and mind completely. I pray that _ would have a full recovery and be able to return to their life as usual. I ask that you would give the doctors wisdom and knowledge as they treat . Also pray for peace and comfort for ___ and their family during this time. In Jesus name, Amen.

Example 18:

I pray that you would give _ strength during this difficult time. I know that you are a God who is with us in our darkest hour and I ask that you would be with right now. That you would ease their pain and help them to recover quickly. I also pray for their family and friends during this time. Give them wisdom on how to best support ___. In Jesus name, Amen.

Example 19:

I come to you today with a heavy heart for . But I know that you are the God who heals all wounds. So I ask that you would work a miracle in ‘s life and restore them to full health. I believe in your power to heal and so I ask that you would do just that. In Jesus name, Amen

Example 20:

Almighty God, we turn to You in this time of need/ grief/ trouble/ etc. We seek Your healing touch for (person). Abide with us, Lord; strengthen us by Your Spirit; pour out Your love into our hearts; heal our wounds; and grant us the joy of Your salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

For More: 21 Powerful Prayers for My Best Friend

5 Benefits of Prayers for Healing for a Friend

When a friend is going through a tough time, it can be difficult to know how to help. One way you can support your friend is by praying for healing. Here are five benefits of prayers for healing for a friend:

  1. Prayers can help to lift your friend’s spirits.
  2. Prayers can provide comfort and peace in times of stress.
  3. Prayers can serve as a reminder that you are thinking of your friend and wishing them well.
  4. Prayers can give your friend strength and courage to face their challenges.
  5. Prayers can help to create a sense of community and support from others who are also praying for your friend’s healing.

The role of faith in praying for Healing for a Friend

The role of faith in the power of prayer for healing varies among different religious and cultural traditions. For many people, having faith and belief in the power of prayer can provide comfort and support during difficult times, and can also serve as a source of hope and strength. Some people believe that when they pray with strong faith, they are more likely to receive answers to their prayers, and that their faith helps to bring about real change.

However, the relationship between faith and the power of prayer is complex and can be influenced by a number of factors, including individual beliefs and experiences, cultural background, and psychological and emotional factors. There is also ongoing debate and scientific research on the effectiveness of prayer and its role in healing. Some studies have suggested that prayer may have a positive impact on health outcomes, while others have found little to no evidence for this effect.

Ultimately, the belief in the power of prayer is a personal matter and can vary greatly from person to person. Whether one believes that prayer can bring about real change and healing may depend on individual experiences and perspectives, as well as religious and cultural beliefs.


I hope this blog has helped give you some guidance on how to pray for someone who is sick. No one likes feeling helpless, but when we don’t know what else to do, praying can be a source of strength and hope. If you have any other tips or suggestions on how to Prayers for Healing for a Friend, please share them in the comments below!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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