Prayers For Healing

19 Powerful Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend

Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend
Written by Joseph Crescent

Cancer is a disease that has affected people all over the world. It is a condition that not only causes physical pain but also emotional distress. If you or someone you know is battling cancer, it is essential to seek medical treatment and support from loved ones. In this blog post, we will provide 19 powerful prayers for healing from cancer for a friend.

Many people find solace in prayer during difficult times, including those with cancer. When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it can feel overwhelming and lonely. Prayer can provide a sense of comfort, hope, and strength to face the challenging journey ahead.

These prayers are intended to uplift and encourage those who are going through this difficult time. We hope that they will provide a sense of peace and healing for those who are battling cancer and their loved ones.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend

Whether you’re of the Christian faith or not, praying for healing can be a comforting and helpful gesture for someone battling cancer. If you’re not sure how to pray & approach the situation, here are five tips to keep in mind.

  • Be sure to listen more than you speak. Your friend may want to talk about their diagnosis, treatment options, or simply how they’re feeling that day. Let them know that you’re there for them and offer support however you can.
  • Be mindful of your words. Avoid platitudes or clichés, like “Everything happens for a reason” or “I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.” Instead, focus on offering specific words of comfort and encouragement.
  • Be sensitive to cultural beliefs and practices. If your friend is of a different faith tradition than your own, learn about the customs surrounding prayer and healing within that tradition.
  • Don’t forget to follow up after your visit. A simple call or text message letting your friend know that you’re thinking of them can make all the difference.
  • Take a deep breath and relax. It’s natural to feel nervous or uncomfortable when talking to someone who is ill, but try to focus on the fact that you’re there to help.
Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend

Prayer for Someone Fighting Cancer

Sample 1:

Dear Lord, we lift up our brother/sister who is fighting cancer. Please give him/her the strength and courage to face each day. Grant him/her wisdom to make decisions about treatments and provide comfort during this difficult time. Surround him/her with a loving family and friends who will offer support and encouragement. 

Samples 2:

Heavenly Father, we pray for complete healing for our friend who is battling cancer. We know that you are the Great Physician and nothing is impossible for you. We trust you to work at your perfect timing and in your perfect way. Thank you for the hope we have in you. 

Sample 3:

Loving God, we pray for peace for our friend who is fighting cancer. Help him/her to rest in your love and care. Ease his/her fears and worries, and fill him/her with your peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Samples 4:

Almighty God, we praise you that you are sovereign over all things – even cancer. We know that you are good and that you work all things together for good for those who love you and are called according to your purposes. Thank you that we can trust you with our friend’s life and health. 

Samples 5:

Merciful Lord, we come before you humbly asking for your mercy on our friend who is fighting cancer. Please have compassion on him/her and heal his/her body, mind, and spirit. We praise you that even in the midst of suffering, you are still good and worthy of our praise. Amen.

Prayer For Healing For a Friend With Cancer

Sample 1:

Prayer for strength - Dear God, please give my friend the strength to face each day with courage. Help them to find hope in the midst of their trials, and give them the grace to persevere.

Samples 2:

Prayer for healing - Heavenly Father, we ask that you would heal my friend's body, mind, and spirit. Restore them to full health in every way, and grant them your peace.

Sample 3:

Prayer for comfort - Lord, we know that you are close to those who are suffering. Please bring your comfort to my friend during this difficult time. Ease their pain and help them to sense your presence.

Samples 4:

Prayer for wisdom - Father, we know that you see the bigger picture and that you know what is best for us. Please give my friend wisdom as they make decisions about their treatment and their future. Help them to trust in you and to follow your will for their life.

Samples 5:

Prayer for peace - Jesus, we know that you are the Prince of Peace. Please bring your peace to my friend who is dealing with cancer. Help them to rest in your love and to know that you are in control. no matter what happens. Amen.
Prayer for Someone Fighting Cancer

Prayer For Someone Going Into Surgery for Cancer

Samples 1:

Dear God, please guide the surgeon's hands and give them the strength to do what is necessary. Please also watch over the patient and give them the courage to face this difficult time. Amen.

Samples 2:

Lord, we ask that you would heal this person from their cancer. We know that you have the power to do anything, and we trust in your perfect plan for your life. Amen.

Sample 3:

Father, we lift up this person to you and ask for your peace to fill their heart and mind. We also ask that you would provide for their physical needs during this time of treatment and recovery. Amen.

Prayer For a Sick Friend With Cancer

Although we may not always understand why, our loving Father sometimes allows disease and suffering to come into the lives of His children. When we see a friend going through cancer treatment, it is natural to feel helpless. However, we can take comfort in knowing that we can bring our concerns to God in prayer. Here are three prayers you can offer on behalf of a friend battling cancer.

Sample 1:

Pray for strength and courage. Cancer treatments can be incredibly difficult, both physically and emotionally. Ask God to give your friend the strength to endure tough days and the courage to keep fighting.

Samples 2:

Pray for healing. We know that God is the ultimate source of healing. Ask Him to touch your friend with His healing power and to provide comfort during this difficult time.

Sample 3:

Pray for peace. The journey through cancer can be a long and winding one. Pray that your friend would experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

Prayer For Healing Cancer Friend

If you have a friend who is battling cancer, you may be wondering how you can help. One way to support your friend is to pray for their healing. Here are three prayers for healing cancer:

Sample 1:

Dear God, we lift up our friend who is fighting cancer. We ask that you would give them strength for the journey ahead. Also,  We pray that you would heal their body and give them peace of mind. Thank you for being with them during this difficult time. Amen.

Samples 2:

Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts. We pray for our friend who is battling cancer. We ask that you would give them courage and hope. So, We pray that you would heal their body and give them peace of mind. Thank you for being with them during this difficult time. Amen.

Samples 3:

Dear Jesus, we come to you with broken hearts. We pray for our friend who is battling cancer. We ask that you would perform a miracle in their life. So, We pray that you would heal their body and give them peace of mind. Thank you for being with them during this difficult time. Amen.

5 Benefits of Prayers for Healing of Cancer for a Friend

It is difficult to see a loved one go through the hardships of cancer. You want to do anything and everything you can to support your friend during this difficult time. One way you can show your support is by praying for their healing. Here are five benefits of prayers for the healing of cancer for a friend:

  • Pray can provide emotional support.
  • Prayers can help to ease anxiety and worry.
  • Prayers can provide comfort and peace.
  • Pray can give hope for the future.
  • Prayers can help to strengthen the immune system.

So, Prayers can be a powerful source of support for someone battling cancer. If you have a friend who is going through this tough journey, take some time to pray for their healing. You may just find that it makes a world of difference in their fight against cancer.

Prayer For Healing For a Friend With Cancer


In conclusion, cancer is a disease that affects millions of people across the globe. However, as the blog post has shown, there are many powerful prayers that can be used to promote healing for friends and loved ones. Each of the 19 prayers included in the post can bring comfort and strength to those who are dealing with the effects of cancer.

For those who are praying for a friend or loved one with cancer, it’s important to remember that prayers are powerful and can help to lift both the patient and the caregiver. Additionally, showing gratitude and thankfulness can help to bolster the healing process, both physically and emotionally. I encourage all readers to take a moment to reflect on the blessings that they’ve received in their own lives, and to share these kinds of prayers with those who need them most.

As a call to action, I invite readers to provide their feedback on this blog post and how it has impacted them. Additionally, I would like to encourage readers to visit the website for more content related to healing prayers and other topics that can help to promote spiritual and emotional wellness. By working together and supporting one another, we can all work towards a brighter and healthier future.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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