
20 Best Prayers for Strength and Guidance

Prayers for Strength and Guidance
Written by Joseph Crescent

Prayers for strength and guidance are powerful. They give us the opportunity to tap into a higher power and ask for help when we need it most. Whether we’re experiencing difficult times or just going through a tough patch, praying can provide comfort and peace of mind.

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have available to us. It connects us with God and opens up a line of communication that can lead to amazing things. Whether we are praying for strength in tough times, or guidance in making decisions, God is always ready to listen. Prayer is an intimate act that can bring about great peace and joy. If you’re looking for some prayers for strength and guidance, read on!

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Strength and Guidance

Seeking strength and guidance through prayer is a wonderful way to start your day on the right foot. However, it’s important to take a few moments to prepare yourself before you begin. Here are five things to do before you start your prayers:

  1. Set aside distractions: Before you start praying, take a few moments to set aside any distractions. This means turning off your phone, silencing any background noise, and simply focusing on your prayer.
  2. Find a comfortable position: You don’t have to be kneeling or sitting in a specific position to pray effectively, but you should find a position that is comfortable for you. This will help you focus on your prayers without being distracted by discomfort.
  3. Take slow, deep breaths: Take a few moments to breathe slowly and deeply before you start praying. This will help you relax and clear your mind so that you can focus on your prayer.
  4. Open your heart: As you begin your prayer, try to open your heart and mind to the idea of receiving strength and guidance from a higher power. This is the first step in truly connecting with the divine.
  5. Offer up specific requests: Once you’ve opened yourself up to guidance, take a moment to offer up specific requests for strength or guidance. Be as specific as possible in your requests so that the divine can better understand what you need assistance with.

Morning prayer for strength and guidance

When you wake up in the morning, it can be helpful to start your day with a prayer for strength and guidance. Here are four morning prayers that you can use to ask for God’s help:

Example 1:

Dear Lord, I pray that you would give me the strength to face this new day. I know that there will be challenges and obstacles, but I trust in your guidance. Help me to stay on the path that you have set before me and to live each day to the fullest. Amen.

Example 2:

Lord, I ask for your guidance as I start this new day. Show me where I need to go and what I need to do. Help me to make wise decisions and choices that will honor you. Amen.

Example 3:

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this new day. I pray that you would give me the strength and energy I need to accomplish all that is before me. Help me to put my trust in you and to lean on you when I am weary. Amen.

Example 4:

Father, I ask for your wisdom and guidance as I begin this new day. Help me to see opportunity rather than obstacles, hope rather than despair, and love rather than hatred. Give me the courage to take risks, even when I am afraid. Amen.

For More: 18 Powerful Prayers for Strength Samples

Prayer for strength and guidance at work

Example 5:

A Prayer for Strength when I’m Feeling Overwhelmed: Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessings of this job. I know that you have called me to this work, and I trust that you will give me the strength and wisdom I need to complete it. I feel overwhelmed right now, but I know that you are with me. Please give me the courage to face this challenge and the strength to see it through. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 6:

A Prayer for Guidance when I’m Feeling Confused: Lord, I confess that I am feeling lost right now. I don’t know which way to turn or what decision to make. Please guide me by your Spirit and help me to discern your will for my life. Give me wisdom to know what steps to take next. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 7:

A Prayer for Comfort When I’m Feeling Anxious: Father, I know that you are in control, and I trust you with my future. But right now, I am feeling anxious about what lies ahead. Please calm my fears and give me your peace. Help me to focus on your love and care for me instead of my worries. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 8:

A Prayer for Endurance When I’m Feeling Tired: Lord Jesus, thank you for this job that you have given me. It is a blessing to be able to work and provide for myself and my family. But right now, I am feeling tired and burnt out. Please give me endurance to finish this task and strength for whatever lies ahead. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

For More: 15 Powerful Prayers for Special Occasions

Prayer to god for strength and guidance

God is our strength and our guidance. When we feel lost, or when we are faced with a difficult situation, we can turn to God for help. Here are four prayers that can provide us with strength and guidance in times of need:

Example 9:

“Dear God, please give me the strength to face this challenge. I know that I can’t do it alone, but with your help, I know that anything is possible. Please guide me through this difficult time, and help me to find the right path. Amen.”

Example 10:

“Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your guidance. I am feeling lost and confused, and I need your help to find my way. Please show me the path that I should take, and give me the strength to follow it. Amen.”

Example 11:

“Dear God, I am feeling overwhelmed by all of the choices in front of me. Please help me to make the right decision, and guide me on the path that you have set for me. Amen.”

Example 12:

“ Almighty God, I pray for your strength and guidance today. I am facing a tough situation, and I need your help to get through it. Please give me the courage to face whatever comes my way, and the wisdom to know what to do. Amen.”

For More: 20 Powerful Prayers for Forgiving Yourself

Daily prayer for strength and guidance

No matter what life throws our way, we can always find strength and guidance through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us to overcome any obstacle, big or small. Here are four prayers that can provide us with the strength and guidance we need on a daily basis:

Example 13:

A Prayer for Strength -Lord, I come to You today seeking Your strength. I am feeling weak and helpless in the face of my current challenges, and I need Your power to help me through. Please give me the grace and strength I need to face each day with courage. Amen.

Example 14:

A Prayer for Guidance -Heavenly Father, I need Your wisdom and guidance as I navigate through this difficult season of life. Please give me clear direction, and help me to make wise decisions that honor You. Amen.

Example 15:

A Prayer for Protection -Lord, I pray for Your protection as I go about my day-to-day life. Please keep me safe from all harm, and surround me with Your loving care. Amen.

Example 16:

A Prayer for Peace -Father God, I long for Your peace in my heart amidst all of the chaos and turmoil of life. Please still my restless soul, and help me to find calm in the midst of the storm. Amen.

For More: Spiritual Benefits of Pray [Complete Guide]

Prayer for strength and guidance for a friend

Example 17:

Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart. My friend is going through a tough time and could really use your help. I ask that you give her the strength she needs to get through this difficult period. I also ask for your guidance, that she may know which path to take. Thank you for being here for us in our time of need. Amen.

Example 18:

Dear Lord, I pray for my friend who is going through a tough time. I ask that you give her the strength she needs to make it through. I pray that you also give her guidance so she knows which path to take. Thank you for being here for us during this time of need. Amen.

Example 19:

Heavenly Father, please give my friend the strength she needs to get through this tough time. Please also guide her so she knows which path to take. I thank you for being here for us during this time of need. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Example 20:

Almighty God, please give my friend the strength and guidance she needs to get through this difficult time in her life. Thank you for being here for us and hearing our prayers. Amen.

For More: 19 Powerful Prayers Of Gratitude To God For Blessings

5 Benefits of Prayers for Strength and Guidance

Praying is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for strength and guidance. Here are five benefits of praying for strength and guidance:

  1. Praying helps us to remember that God is in control.
  2. Praying gives us the opportunity to express our needs and concerns to God.
  3. Praying allows us to focus on God and His will for our lives.
  4. Praying gives us the chance to surrender our worries and fears to God.
  5. Praying can help us to feel His presence and know that He is with us always.


Prayer is a powerful tool, and it can be especially helpful when we need guidance or strength during difficult times. Thank you for reading! I hope you found this blog helpful in gaining a better understanding of how to find strength and guidance when facing difficult times. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences, please feel free to leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you. What are some prayers that you find helpful?

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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