
17 Best Prayers for Emotional Healing

Prayers for Emotional Healing
Written by Joseph Crescent

Yesterday was a really hard day. You know the kind – the kind where everything that could go wrong does. The kind where you feel like you’re constantly on the defensive, and even your victories feel pyrrhic. It’s days like that when it feels like prayers for emotional healing are more important than ever.
In times of emotional distress, it can be difficult to focus our prayers on anything else but our own pain. But if we can take a step back and put ourselves in God’s hands, we can find solace and hope. Here are some prayers for emotional healing that might help you find peace during difficult times.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Emotional Healing

When you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, it can be difficult to know how to ask for help. Praying for emotional healing can be a powerful way to release some of the burdens you’re carrying and connect with a higher power. Here are five things to do before you start your prayers:

  1. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. This will help clear your mind and give you a sense of calm.
  2. Focus on your intention. What do you hope to achieve through your prayers? Keep this in mind as you begin.
  3. Choose a comfortable position. You may want to sit or lie down, whatever feels most natural for you.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, let go of any tension or worry you’re holding onto.
  5. Now, simply begin praying from the heart. There is no right or wrong way to do this – just speak from your soul. Allow the words to flow naturally and freely.

Praying for emotional healing can be a very transformative experience. By opening up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you open the door for divine assistance. Trust that whatever comes through in your prayer is exactly what you need to hear in that moment.

Prayer for Emotional Healing for a Friend

When a friend is hurting, it’s natural to want to do something to help. While there are many ways to support a friend in need, one of the most powerful things you can do is lift them up in prayer. Here are four prayers for emotional healing for a friend:

Example 1:

Dear God, please give my friend the strength to get through this difficult time. Please surround them with your love and comfort, and give them the wisdom to know what to do next.

Example 2:

Heavenly Father, we know that you are the ultimate Healer. Please bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to my friend in need. Help them to feel your presence and peace in the midst of their pain.

Example 3:

Lord Jesus, we believe that you care about every hurt and concern our hearts experience. Please meet my friend right where they are at and heal their brokenness. Bring hope and restoration into their life; let them know that they are not alone. Thank you for being such a good Friend to us all. Amen.

Example 4:

Holy Spirit, we invite you to work in our hearts and the heart of our friend who is hurting. Minister your Shalom Peace – wholeness and well-being in every area of their lives. Grant them courage and hope as they journey through this difficult season. In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen.”

Prayer for Physical and Mental Healing

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to prayer, and people of all faiths can find comfort and strength in prayer during times of physical or mental illness. Here are three prayers for physical and mental healing:

Example 5:

A Prayer for Healing: Almighty God, we come before you today seeking your healing touch. We ask that you would heal our bodies and our minds, and help us to be whole again. We place our trust in you, knowing that you are the Great Physician. So, We thank you for your love and care, and we praise your holy name. Amen.

Example 6:

A Prayer for Strength: Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for strength. We know that you are the source of all strength, and we humbly ask that you would grant us the strength we need to face this challenge. We thank you for your help and guidance, and we praise your holy name. Amen.

Example 7:

A Prayer for Peace: Gracious God, we come to you seeking peace in our hearts. We know that only you can provide true peace, and we ask that you would fill us with your presence. Help us to rest in you, knowing that you are in control. We thank you for your everlasting love, and we praise your holy name. Amen.

Example 8:

Almighty and ever-living God, on behalf of Your children who are sick, we beseech You to hear our humble prayers. Please look with love upon [name of person], who is ill, and grant to him/her a speedy recovery. Grant that during this time of physical weakness he/she may be strengthened by Your loving care. Grant also that all those who are suffering from any illness may be comforted by Your loving presence. And we ask that in all things You would be glorified. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Healing Emotional Pain

When we are hurting, it can be difficult to find the words to pray. Whether we are struggling with a recent loss, dealing with the aftermath of trauma, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life, emotional pain can leave us feeling lost and alone. However, God is always with us, and He hears our every word, even when we don’t know what to say. Here are three prayers for healing emotional pain:

Example 9:

Dear God, I am struggling right now and I need Your help. I feel like I can’t handle this pain on my own. Please give me the strength to get through this tough time. Heal my broken heart and help me to see Your love and mercy in the midst of my pain. Amen.

Example 10:

Dear Father, I am so tired of feeling hurt all the time. It feels like the pain is never-ending. Please provide me with Your peace and comfort in this time of need. Help me to release all of this hurt and anger so that I can heal. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Example 11:

Heavenly Father, thank You for being with me in this dark time. I know that You understand my pain, and I trust that You have a plan for my healing. help me to be patient as I wait for Your perfect timing. Fill me with hope and peace as I journey through this difficult season. Amen.”

Prayer for Psychological Healing

As anyone who has ever faced mental illness knows, the journey to recovery can be long and difficult. But it is a journey that is worth taking, because on the other side is a life filled with hope and joy. Prayer can be an invaluable tool on this journey, providing comfort, strength, and guidance. Here are three prayers for psychological healing:

Example 12:

Dear God, I am struggling right now. I feel like I am lost in a dark place and I don’t know how to find my way out. Please help me to find the strength to keep going. Guide me towards the light, and help me to remember that there is hope. Amen.

Example 13:

Dear God, I am feeling so much pain right now. It feels like it is never going to end. But I know that you are with me, and that you will never leave me alone in this darkness. Please help me to feel your presence, and give me the courage to keep moving forward. Amen.

Example 14:

Dear God, I am so tired of fighting. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. But I trust that you will never give up on me, even when I want to give up on myself. Please help me to hold on to hope, and remind me that there is always reason to keep going. Amen.

Prayer for Healing From Past Hurts

Example 15:

Prayer for strength: “Dear God, I know that I am not alone in my pain. I know that you are with me, and that you understand what I am going through. Please give me the strength to face my past and heal from the hurt I have experienced. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, and to let go of the anger and resentment I feel. Give me the strength to move forward with my life, and to open myself up to new relationships and experiences. Dear God, please heal my heart and help me to find peace.”

Example 16:

Prayer for release: “Dear God, I know that holding onto pain is like holding onto a hot coal. It burns me and prevents me from moving forward. I ask that you help me to release the pain of my past, so that I can move on with my life. Please help me to forgive those who have hurt me, and to let go of the anger and resentment I feel. Help me to see the good in people again, and to open myself up to new relationships and experiences. Dear God, please heal my heart and help me to find peace.”

Example 17:

Prayer for healing: “Dear God, I know that I am not alone in my pain. I know that you are with me, and that you understand what I am going through. Please help me to heal from the hurt I have experienced. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, and to let go of the anger and resentment I feel. Give me the strength to move forward with my life, and to open myself up to new relationships and experiences. Dear God, please heal my heart and help me to find peace.”

5 Benefits of Prayers for Emotional Healing

Prayers have been used for emotional healing for centuries. People of all religions and belief systems use prayer as a way to calm the mind, connect with a higher power, and receive guidance and support. Here are five ways that prayer can bring emotional healing:

  1. Prayer can help to reduce stress and anxiety. When we pray, we release our worries and concerns to a higher power, which can help us to feel more calm and Peaceful.
  2. Prayer can provide comfort in times of grief and loss. After the death of a loved one, the process of grieving can be extremely difficult. Prayer can help us to find comfort and peace during this difficult time.
  3. Prayer can help us to forgiven ourselves. We all make mistakes in life, and it can be hard to forgive ourselves for these errors. However, when we pray for forgiveness, we receive mercy and compassion from a loving God, which can help us to let go of our guilt and shame.
  4. Prayer can give us strength when we feel weak. There are times in life when we feel like we can’t go on any longer. During these times, prayer can give us the strength and courage we need to keep going.
  5. Prayer can help us to see the world in a new light. When we pray, we open our hearts and minds to new perspectives and possibilities. We may see things differently after praying, which can lead to personal growth and healing.


I hope you found this blog helpful. If you are looking for more ways to pray and support your emotional healing, be sure to check out our other posts on the topic. You can also find a wealth of information in books about prayer and spiritual growth. We would love to hear from you about your experiences with prayer and healing. What has helped you the most when it comes to recovering from difficult emotions? Leave us a comment below or reach out to us on social media.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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