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18 Powerful Prayers for Strength Samples

Prayers for Strength
Written by Joseph Crescent

prayer can be a powerful tool to help us through tough times. It can give us strength when we feel weak, comfort when we are grieving, and hope when we are struggling. If you are going through a difficult time, know that you are not alone. These prayers for strength will help lift your spirits and give you the strength you need to get through whatever challenges you are facing. If you’re feeling weak and worn out, know that you’re not alone. Here are 18 prayers for strength to help you stand strong in the face of adversity. God is always with you, and these prayers can help remind you of His presence and power.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Strength

No matter what life throws our way, we all need strength from time to time. Whether we’re facing a personal challenge or tragedy, or we’re just having a tough day, prayer is a powerful tool that can help us find the strength we need to get through.

If you’re looking for prayers for strength, here are five things you can do to prepare:

  1. Take a moment to center yourself. Prayer is about connecting with the divine, so it’s important to take a moment to quiet your mind and focus on your intention.
  2. Make yourself comfortable. You can pray anywhere, but if you’re looking for deeper connection, it can help to find a comfortable spot where you won’t be interrupted.
  3. Set the mood. If you like, you can create an atmosphere that promotes peace and relaxation. For example, you might light a candle or burn some incense.
  4. Choose your words carefully. There are no right or wrong words to pray, but it can be helpful to take some time to think about what you want to say. Simply state your intention clearly and directly.
  5. Be patient. Don’t expect an immediate answer or solution; sometimes the strength we need comes simply from taking the time to connect with our higher power. Trust that whatever guidance or strength you need will come in perfect timing.

Related: 5 Things To Do Before Prayer in Christianity

Prayer for the day for strength

Example 1:

As the day begins, Lord, we offer you our prayers for strength. We know that there will be times when we must face challenges and overcome obstacles. But with your help, we are confident that we can succeed. Give us the courage to never give up, even when the going gets tough. And when we are feeling weary, remind us of your love and care. Help us to remember that we are never alone, for you are always with us. Amen.

Example 2:

As we go throughout our day, Lord, we ask for your strength. Help us to stay focused on our goals and be diligent in our work. Give us the energy to do what is required of us and the wisdom to know when to rest. And when we are tempted to take shortcuts or cut corners, remind us of your standards and help us to resist temptation. Amen.

Example 3:

In the evening hours, Lord, we once again turn to you for strength. We ask for the strength to finish strong and not give up before the race is over. We also ask for the strength to let go of all that is weighing us down so that we can move forward with a light heart. Thank you for being our source of strength, Lord. We praise and glorify your name now and forevermore. Amen!

Related: 21 Powerful Prayers for My Best Friend

Prayer for strength and guidance

There are times in life when we all need a little help. Whether we’re facing a challenging situation or struggling with uncertainty, it can be helpful to ask for strength and guidance. Here are four prayers that can provide comfort and support:

Example 4:

Dear God, please give me the strength to face whatever challenges I’m currently facing. I know that with Your help, I can overcome anything. Please guide me and help me to make the right decisions. Amen.

Example 5:

Heavenly Father, thank You for always being there for me. I know that You will never leave me or forsake me. Please give me the strength and wisdom I need to get through this difficult time. Thank You for Your loving care and protection. Amen.

Example 6:

Dear Lord, I trust in You completely. I know that You have a plan for my life and that everything happens for a reason. Please help me to be patient and to wait on Your perfect timing. Give me the strength to persevere through difficulties and never give up hope. Thank You for being my ever-present help in times of trouble. Amen.

Example 7:

Almighty God, I praise and thank You for Your goodness and mercy. I ask that You would fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may walk in obedience to Your will. Help me to trust in You no matter what circumstances I’m facing in my life. Thank You for being my strong tower, my refuge, and my strength. Amen.”

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers For Couples Married With Images

Prayer for strength and courage

When life gets tough, it can be hard to find the strength and courage to keep going. But even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Sometimes, all we need is a little reminder that we are not alone. Here are four prayers for strength and courage when life gets tough:

Example 8:

Dear God, please give me the strength to face whatever challenges come my way. I know that You are with me always, and I am grateful for Your constant love and support. Amen.

Example 9:

Heavenly Father, I pray for Your help in overcoming my fears. Grant me the courage to face whatever comes my way, knowing that You are by my side. Amen.

Example 10:

Almighty God, I give You thanks for Your many blessings in my life. Please help me to remember Your goodness in the midst of difficulties and give me the strength to carry on. Amen.

Example 11:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. I know that I can do nothing without You. Please give me the grace and strength to follow You every day of my life. Amen.”

Related: 20 Powerful Prayers for Grief and Comfort

Prayer for comfort and strength

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. We can feel like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. In moments like these, it can be helpful to turn to prayer.

Example 12:

“God, please give me the strength to get through this. I feel so lost and scared right now. Please help me to find my way.” I am so weary. So, I need your strength to carry on. I know that you are with me, and I am grateful for that. Please help me to find comfort in knowing that you are always with me.”Amen.”

Example 13:

“Heavenly Father, I know that you are Love itself. Please surround me with your love and comfort right now. I am feeling so alone and hurt right now. Thank you for being with me always. Amen.”

Example 14:

“Dear God, thank you for always being there for me, even when I don’t deserve it. Please help me to remember your goodness and love in the midst of this pain. Thank you for giving me comfort and strength in times of need. Amen.”

Prayer for strength for a friend

Example 15:

“Dear God, please give my friend the strength to get through this difficult time. Please help them to find comfort in your love and to know that you are always with them. Amen.”

Example 16:

“Lord, I ask that you please give my friend the strength they need to face each day. Help them to know that they are not alone and that you are always with them. Amen.”

Example 17:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend to you and pray for your strength and peace to be with them. Please help them to trust in you and lean on you during this time. Amen.”

Example 18:

“Almighty God, I come before you today asking for strength for my friend. They are going through a very tough time right now, and I pray that your strength will sustain them. Please give them courage and hope in the midst of their struggles. Amen.”

Related: 17 Powerful Prayers for Boyfriend

5 Benefits of Prayers for Strength

When we face difficult times, it can be helpful to turn to prayer for strength. Here are five ways that prayers for strength can benefit us:

  1. Prayers for strength can help us to feel God’s presence.
  2. Prayers for strength can give us courage to face our fears.
  3. Prayers for strength can help us to let go of our burdens.
  4. Prayers for strength can help us to find peace in the midst of chaos.
  5. Prayers for strength can help us to grow closer to God.

Prayers for strength can be a powerful tool in our lives, helping us to cope with difficult situations and find peace and comfort in the midst of chaos. If you are facing a tough situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to God through prayer.



I hope you found this blog helpful. Prayer is a powerful tool, and it can be a great way to get strength when you need it most. Whether you’re praying for yourself or someone else, know that God hears your prayers and will answer them in His own time. If you have any questions about prayer or would like some advice on how to pray effectively, please leave a comment below or contact us. We’d love to help!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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