Popular Prayers

20 Powerful Prayers for Prisoners

Prayers for Prisoners
Written by Joseph Crescent

Today, I’d like to take a moment to talk about prayers for prisoners. This is something that is very important to me, and I hope that you’ll take the time to read and learn more about it. Prayers for prisoners can be a very powerful thing. They can help to change hearts and minds, and they can make a difference in someone’s life. If you’re ever feeling lost or alone, remember that there are people out there who are praying for you. And never give up hope. There is always the possibility of redemption and rebirth. Thanks for reading.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Prisoners

  1. Pray for the prisoners’ families. They are the ones who suffer the most. Prisoners may be behind bars but their families are serving a life sentence of worry and heartache.
  2. Pray for the prison guards and staff. They have a difficult job and are often the target of prisoner’s anger and frustration.
  3. Pray for the victims of crime. They have been through a traumatizing experience and need God’s healing touch.
  4. Pray for the prosecutors and judges who work tirelessly to ensure that justice is serve.
  5. Last but not least, pray for the prisoners themselves. They need God’s grace and mercy to help them turn their lives around.

Prayer for innocent prisoners

There are millions of prisoners around the world who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. They are innocent, and yet they are forced to spend their days in cells, away from their families and loved ones. Many of these prisoners suffer from physical and mental health problems as a result of their wrongful imprisonment. Here are four prayers for innocent prisoners:

Example 1:

Lord, we pray for all those who have been wrongfully imprison. We ask that you give them strength to endure this difficult time. We pray that you will help them to maintain their hope and faith, knowing that one day they will be free.

Example 2:

Lord, we pray for the families of innocent prisoners. We know how much they suffer, knowing that their loved ones are innocent but unable to prove it. We ask that you give them comfort and strength in this time of need.

Example 3:

Lord, we pray for the lawyers and judges who work on cases involving wrongful imprisonment. We ask that you give them wisdom and guidance as they seek justice for the innocent.

Example 4:

Lord, we pray for all those who have been affected by wrongful imprisonment. Including the victims of crimes that were actually committed by the person who was wrongly convicted. We ask that you provide healing and peace for all involved.

For More: 17 Powerful Prayers for All Saints Day

Prayers for prisoners release

As we know, there are many men and women who are currently incarcerated even though they may have never committed a crime. They are held in conditions that are inhumane, and their basic human rights are being violated on a daily basis. We need to stand up for these prisoners and fight for their release. Here are four prayers that you can say for the release of prisoners:

Example 5:

Dear God, please help those who are languishing in prison even though they have committed no crime. Give them the strength to endure this difficult time, and help them to maintain their hope for freedom.

Example 6:

Dear God, please help the families of prisoners who are struggling to cope with their loved ones’ incarceration. Grant them patience, strength, and hope, and help them to find comfort in knowing that you are with them.

Example 7:

Dear God, please help the Prisoners’ Rights activists who are working tirelessly to secure the release of all prisoners. Guide their efforts, and give them the strength to continue fighting for justice.

Example 8:

Dear God, please guide those who have the power to release prisoners. Help them to see the injustice of imprisoning innocent people, and give them the wisdom and compassion to act decisively for change.

These are difficult times for everyone, but especially for those who are unjustly incarcerated. We need to stand together and fight for their release. These prayers can be a powerful tool in our efforts to secure justice for all prisoners.

For More: 15 Powerful Prayers for Special Occasions

Prayer for my husband in prison

Example 9:

Prayer for his release: Lord, I pray for my husband’s release from prison. I know that he has made mistakes, but he is truly sorry for what he has done. I believe that he has the potential to be a great husband and father, and I ask that you would give him another chance. That you would open the door for his release, and that you would give us the strength to get through this difficult time. Amen.

Example 10:

Prayer for his safety: Lord, I worry about my husband’s safety while he is in prison. I know that he is in your hands, but I can’t help but worry. I pray that you would keep him safe from harm, and that you would give him the strength to withstand whatever comes his way. Also pray that you would provide for our family while he is away, and that we would be able to stay afloat financially. Amen.

Example 11:

Prayer for his rehabilitation: Lord, I pray that my husband will take advantage of the rehabilitative programs offered in prison. I know that he is capable of change, and I believe that with your help he can turn his life around. I pray that you would give him the wisdom to make good choices while in prison, and that he would emerge from this experience a better man. Amen.

Example 12:

Prayer for our marriage: Lord, I pray for our marriage. I know this experience has been hard on us, but I still love my husband deeply. I pray that we would be able to weather this storm and come out stronger on the other side. Also pray that we would be able to maintain a healthy relationship even though we are apart, and that we would be able to support each other through this difficult time. Amen.

For More: 15 Powerful Prayers for Pentecost

Prayer for prisoners international

There are nearly 15 million prisoners around the world, and many of them don’t have access to the resources they need to survive. Here are four prayers for prisoners international:

Example 13:

Lord, we pray for those who are incarcerated that they would be able to find hope in You. That even in the darkest moments, they would know that You are with them and that You love them.

Example 14:

We also pray for their families who are struggling without their loved ones. Give them strength and comfort, and help them to find ways to support their loved ones while they are incarcerated.

Example 15:

We also pray for the prison staff, that they would be compassionate and just in their interactions with prisoners. And we pray that they would be protected from harm as they carry out their duties.

Example 16:

Finally, we pray for all those who work for prisoner rights internationally, that they would be effective in their efforts to bring about change. We pray that their work would make a difference in the lives of prisoners around the world. Amen.

For More: 7 Types of Prayers in Christianity With Examples

Prayer for freedom from prison

If you or someone you love is currently incarcerate, know that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are affected by prison every day. Here are four prayers for freedom from prison, adapted from “A Prayer for Prisoners” by Charles Spurgeon.

Example 17:

Prayer for freedom from the bondage of sin: “Lord. I pray that those in prison would be set free from the bondage of sin. I pray that they would find forgiveness and new life in You. Amen.”

Example 18:

Prayer for freedom from the fear of death: “Lord. I pray that those in prison would be set free from the fear of death. I pray that they would find hope and peace in You. Amen.”

Example 19:

Prayer for freedom from the despair of solitary confinement: “Lord. I pray that those in prison would be set free from the despair of solitary confinement. I pray that they would find comfort and companionship in You. Amen.”

Example 20:

Prayer for freedom from the pain of physical abuse: “Lord. I pray that those in prison would be set free from the pain of physical abuse. I pray that they would find healing and wholeness in You. Amen.”

For More: 15 Powerful Prayers For Couples Married With Images

5 Benefits of Prayers for Prisoners

When you think about the criminal justice system, the first thing that probably comes to mind is prisons. But what about the people who are incarcerate? What happens to them when they’re behind bars? For many prisoners, religion can be a source of comfort and strength. Here are five benefits of prayers for prisoners.

  1. Prayers can help prisoners feel connected to a higher power. This can provide them with a sense of peace and hope, especially when they’re going through tough times.
  2. Prayers can act as a form of self-care. By taking time to focus on their relationship with God, prisoners can reduce stress and anxiety.
  3. Prayers can give prisoners a sense of purpose. When they feel like their life is pointless, prayers can remind them that they have a reason to live.
  4. Prayers can help prisoners make moral choices. By thinking about what God would want them to do, prisoners can make better decisions about how to conduct themselves while incarcerated.
  5. Prayers can motivate prisoners to change their lives. When they’re ready to leave prison, prayers can give them the strength to make positive changes in their life.

The role of faith in praying for Prisoners

Having faith when we pray is significant because it allows us to approach prayer with a belief that our words and requests will be heard and answered. This belief strengthens the power of our prayers and helps us to approach them with a sense of confidence and trust. When we pray for prisoners, having faith can help us to remain hopeful and optimistic that they will receive the support and guidance they need to overcome their challenges and turn their lives around. It also helps us to maintain a positive attitude and a spirit of compassion, which can further enhance the power of our prayers for these individuals.

Integrating Prayers for Prisoners into Your daily life

Here are a few ways to make praying for prisoners a consistent part of your daily routine:

  1. Set aside a specific time each day: Choose a time that works best for you and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. This could be first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or before you go to bed.
  2. Use a reminder system: Use your phone, calendar, or other device to set reminders to pray for prisoners at the same time every day.
  3. Incorporate it into your daily prayers: If you already have a daily prayer routine, consider adding a specific section where you pray for prisoners.
  4. Find a prayer partner: Partner with a friend or family member and pray for prisoners together, either in person or over the phone.
  5. Write it down: Write down the names of the prisoners you want to pray for and keep the list with you. This way, you can easily refer to it when you pray.

Remember, it’s important to be consistent and persistent in your prayers for prisoners. The more you make it a part of your daily routine, the easier it will become.


Thank you for reading our blog post about prayers for prisoners. I hope you found this blog helpful. If you would like to learn more about praying for prisoners, please visit the website of Prison Fellowship, one of the leading organizations working with inmates and their families in the United States. They have amazing resources that can help equip you as you pray for those who are incarcerate.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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