Popular Prayers

21 Revolutionary Prayers for Calm and Peace

Prayers for Calm
Written by Joseph Crescent

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life that you don’t know how to pray? You’re not alone. In this blog post, we will discuss prayers for calm and how they can help you focus on God during chaotic moments. We’ll also provide some helpful tips on how to pray when you feel stressed out. So, if you’re looking for ways to find peace during difficult times, keep reading!

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Calm

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be hard to calm your mind and body enough to pray. The following are five things you can do to get into a more relaxed state before starting your prayer:

  1. Take some slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Focus on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body.
  2. Make a cup of herbal tea or listen to calming music.
  3. Find a comfortable position. You can sit, stand, or lie down. If you’re sitting, make sure your spine is straight but not tense.
  4. Take a few moments to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life. gratitude has been shown to reduce stress and promote well-being.
  5. Close your eyes and focus on an image or mantra that brings you peace. For example, you might visualize a serene landscape or repeated the phrase “I am calm.”

By taking a few minutes to focus on what’s good in your life, you can shift your mindset away from stress and worry and into a more positive state. There are many different types of prayer, but some of the most effective prayers are those that seek calmness and peace. In a world that is often filled with noise and chaos, these types of prayers can offer a moment of respite and relief. Here are four prayers for calmness and peace:

Prayer for Calmness and Peace

Example 1:

“Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This Prayer for Serenity is a perfect way to start seeking calmness and peace. It asks for the strength to let go of what we cannot control, and the wisdom to focus on what we can.

Example 2:

“O God, our times are in your hand; save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from violence, hatred, and division; and make us an instrument of your peace.” This Prayer for Peace from St. Francis of Assisi is a beautiful reminder that peace begins with each one of us. We must learn to forgive others if we ever hope to achieve true peace.

Example 3:

“Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry come to you! Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress! Incline your ear to me; answer me speedily in the day when I call!” This Cry for Help from Psalm 102 is a desperate plea for assistance in times of trouble. It reminds us that God is always there for us, even when it feels like we are all alone.

For more: 21 Good Prayers for Meetings

Prayer to Calm Down Anger

Example 4:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” These Words of Jesus from John 14:27 offer comfort and assurance in times of darkness and turmoil. Jesus promises that his peace will sustain us through whatever challenges we face.

Prayer can be a powerful tool in times of stress or difficulty. By seeking calmness and peace through prayer, we can find strength and comfort in God’s love.

Example 5:

“Dear God, please help me to calm down and release my anger. I know it’s not helpful or healthy, and I don’t want it to control me. Please give me your peace and wisdom in this situation.”

Example 6:

“Lord, I know you love me and you want what’s best for me. Help me to let go of this anger and find your peaceful resolution.”

Example 7:

“Father, I trust that you are in control. Help me to surrender my anger to you and know that your plan is best. Thank you for giving me your strength in this situation.”

Example 8:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for being a loving and compassionate God. Please help me to extend that same love and compassion to others, even when I’m feeling angry. Thank you for Your peace that surpasses all understanding.”

Example 9:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for being a loving and compassionate God. Please help me to extend that same love and compassion to others, even when I’m feeling angry. Thank you for Your peace that surpasses all understanding.”

For more: 20 Powerful Prayers for Grief and Comfort

Prayer To Calm Nerves

Many people believe in the power of prayer. When you’re feeling nervous or anxious, prayer can help to calm and center you. Here are four prayers that can help to alleviate nerves:

Example 10:

“Dear God, please help me to relax and let go of my fears. Fill me with your peace and love, and grant me the strength to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Amen.”

Example 11:

“Lord, I come to you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Please help me to release all of my worries and concerns into your care. Fill me with your peace and grace, and give me the courage to face each day with confidence. Amen.”

Example 12:

“Heavenly Father, I am feeling so lost right now. Please help me to find my way back to you. Guide me with your light and love, and grant me the strength to overcome all obstacles in my life. Amen.”

Example 13:

” Almighty God, I am feeling so small and insignificant right now. Please help me to remember that I am your child and that you love me unconditionally. Fill me with your grace and peace, and give me the courage to face each day with hope. Amen.”

For more: 15 Powerful Prayers For Court Victory

Prayer to Stay Calm

Example 14:

Dear God, please help me to remember that your will is perfect and that you are always with me. I trust that you have a plan for my life, and I know that you will never leave me or forsake me. Help me to be still and know that you are God. Amen.

Example 15:

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the midst of chaos and confusion. I need your peace that surpasses all understanding. I need your strength to persevere. So, I need your wisdom to know what to do. Please calm my spirit and help me to trust in you. Amen.

Example 16:

Abba Father, please give me grace in this time of trial. Help me to remember that your love is perfect and that nothing can separate me from your love. Strengthen my faith and help me to rely on you for everything. I ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Example 17:

Almighty God, I am tired and overwhelmed. I need your rest and peace. Please fill me with your Spirit and help me to trust in your goodness no matter what circumstances I am facing. Thank you for being my strong tower, my ever-present help in times of trouble. Amen.”

For more: 12 Best Prayers for Summer Holidays

Prayer To Calm My Heart

Prayer is one of the oldest and most powerful tools we have for dealing with the stresses of daily life. When we pray, we open ourselves up to God’s love and care, and we allow His peace to flow into our hearts. The following are four prayers for calmness and peace.

Example 18:

“Lord, I thank you for your love and care. I know that you are with me always, and I trust in your strength and power. I ask that you would give me peace in my heart, and help me to face each day with courage. Amen.”

Example 19:

“Father, I know that you are aware of my anxiety and fear. I pray that you would give me your peace, which surpasses all understanding. Help me to trust in you, and to rest in your care. Amen.”

Example 20:

“Holy Spirit, I invite you to come into my heart and fill me with your peace. I release all worry and stress into your hands, knowing that you will take care of me. Thank you for being my ever-present help in times of need. Amen.”

Example 21:

“Jesus, I come to you now seeking your peace and calm. Please still my heart and mind, that I may be at rest in you. Thank you for being my Prince of Peace. Amen.”

Integrating Prayers for Calm into Your daily life

  1. Set aside a specific time each day for prayer, like first thing in the morning or before bed.
  2. Choose a quiet and peaceful location where you won’t be disturbed.
  3. Take deep breaths to help you focus and calm your mind.
  4. Repeat a mantra or affirmation that helps you feel peaceful and calm.
  5. Offer a prayer of gratitude for the things in your life that bring you comfort and peace.
  6. Visualize a peaceful scene, such as a beach or a forest, to help you feel calm and relaxed.
  7. End the prayer by taking a few more deep breaths and then slowly opening your eyes.
  8. Make this a consistent practice by setting a reminder for your daily prayer time, and by being patient and persistent with yourself.
  9. You can also try incorporating other mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily routine to enhance the benefits of prayer for calm.

5 Benefits of Prayers for Calm

Prayers for calm can offer a sense of peace and tranquility in the midst of chaos and turmoil. Here are five benefits of prayers for calm:

  1. Prayers for calm can help to slow down the racing thoughts that can contribute to anxiety and stress.
  2. Prayers for calm can help to focus the mind on positive thoughts and experiences.
  3. Prayers for calm can help to reduce the physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches, muscle tension, and heart palpitations.
  4. Prayers for calm can help to boost mood and energy levels.
  5. Prayers for calm can help to create a sense of connection with God or a higher power.


As we go through our day-to-day lives, it’s important to remember to take a breath and find calm in the midst of the chaos. I hope you found this blog helpful and that you’re able to use some of these tips the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed. If prayer is something that interests you, please check out our website or give us a call. We would love to chat with you about how Prayer can help bring peace into your life.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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