Popular Prayers

21 Good Prayers for Meetings

Prayers for Meetings
Written by Joseph Crescent

Meetings are an essential aspect of any organization, whether big or small. It is an opportunity for team members to come together to brainstorm ideas, discuss important matters, and plan for future projects. At times, meetings can be long, tiresome, and unproductive if not well-planned. To ensure that your meetings are productive and successful, incorporating prayers for meetings can be helpful.

Prayers can help create a sense of focus, unity, and calmness among team members, enabling them to concentrate better on the issues discussed. It’s appropriate to say that good prayers for meetings can set the tone for a productive and successful meeting.

In this post, we would be discussing 21 good prayers for meetings that can help you kickstart your meeting on the right note. Whether you’re looking for prayers to start your meeting, end a meeting, or asking for guidance, we’ve got you covered. These prayers for meetings can be personalized to fit your specific meeting needs.

Whether you are leading a meeting as a team leader, or a person of faith in your organization, implementing these prayers can help create a peaceful atmosphere and make for a more efficient meeting. So, without further ado, let’s dive into these good prayers for meetings that can transform your meetings from the mundane to the extraordinary.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Meetings

Taking the time for prayer before a meeting can help set the tone for a productive and respectful discussion. Here are five things you can do to prepare for a successful prayer:

  • Choose a topic that is relevant to the meeting’s purpose. Prayer is an opportunity to focus our attention on what is most important. By choosing a topic that is relevant to the meeting’s purpose, we can ensure that our prayers are aligned with our goals.
  • Keep it brief. Prayers should be focused and to the point. Otherwise, they can become a distraction from the meeting’s purpose.
  • Be respectful of other traditions. If you are leading a prayer for a group of people with diverse beliefs, be sure to respect the traditions of all involved. Avoid specifically mentioning any one religion or deity, and instead focus on common ground principles such as peace, justice, and compassion.
  • Invite others to participate. Prayer is more powerful when it is shared. Invite others to join in, either by speaking aloud or simply by joining in silent reflection.
  • Take time for silence. After the prayer is complete, take a few moments of silence to reflect on its meaning and how it applies to the task at hand. This period of silence can help center us and prepare us for productive discussion.

For more: 5 Things To Do Before Prayer in Christianity

Prayers for Meetings

Prayer Before Meeting

Before a meeting, whether it be for business or personal reasons, it can be beneficial to pray. This gives you the opportunity to ask for guidance and wisdom as you enter into the meeting. It also allows you to set your intention for the meeting, and to remain focused on what is important. Here are five prayers that you can say before a meeting:

Template 1:

Heavenly Father, please guide me as I enter into this meeting. Give me wisdom and understanding, so that I may know what to say and how to act.

Template 2:

Dear Lord, please help me to remain calm and focused during this meeting. Help me to listen attentively, and to contribute constructively to the conversation.

Template 3:

Almighty God, please give me the strength to stand up for what I believe in. Help me to remain confident in my convictions, and to speak truthfully and respectfully.

Template 4:

Gracious God, please help me to treat others with kindness and respect. Help me to remember that we are all created in Your image and that we all have value and worth.

Template 5:

loving God, thank You for this opportunity to meet with others. Please bless this time that we have together, and use it for Your glory and Your purposes. Amen.

Opening Prayer for Meeting

Prayer is a powerful way to start any meeting. It sets the tone for the rest of the meeting, and it can help to focus everyone’s attention on the task at hand. Here are five opening prayers for meetings that will help to create a spirit of unity and purpose.

Template 1:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask for your guidance and wisdom. We know that you have a plan for us, and we ask that you would reveal that to us today. We open our hearts and minds to you, and we ask that you would speak to us through your Spirit. Amen."

Template 2:

"Lord, we come before you today with humble hearts. We know that we are not worthy of your blessing, but we ask that you would pour out your love on us today. We need your wisdom and guidance, and we ask that you would give us the strength to follow your will. Amen."

Template 3:

" Almighty God, we praise you for your goodness and mercy. We thank you for bringing us together today, and we ask that you would bless our time together. Help us to focus on what is important, and give us the wisdom to know how best to serve you. Amen."

Template 4:

" Heavenly Father, we ask that you would be with us today as we seek to do your will. We know that there is much work to be done, and we need your strength and guidance. Help us to be bold in our witness for you, and help us to always remember that you are in control. Amen."

Template 5:

"Lord Jesus, we come before you today asking for your forgiveness. We know that we have sinned against you, and we are sorry for our transgressions. We ask that you would cleanse us with your blood, and make us new creations in you. Help us to live our lives for you from this day forward, and use us to further your kingdom work. Amen."

Closing Prayer for Meeting

Template 1:

"Dear God, Thank you for bringing us all together today. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow together. Thank you for the chance to share our thoughts and feelings with each other. And thank you for always being there for us, no matter what. Amen."

Template 2:

We are grateful for the time we have had together. Thank you, God, for the wonderful speakers who have shared their wisdom and knowledge with us today. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow together. We ask for your guidance as we go forth from this meeting, so that we may continue to work together for the good of all. Amen.

Template 3:

Thank you, God, for bringing us together today. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow together. We ask for your guidance as we go forth from this meeting, that we may continue to work together for the good of all. Amen.
Opening Prayer for Meeting

Closing Prayer for Bible Study Meeting

Template 1:

As we close our Bible Study meeting today, we do so with full hearts and minds. We thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your word and the opportunity to learn more about it together. 

We pray that what we have studied would sink deep into our hearts and that we would be changed by it. As we go back out into the world, help us to be Your ambassadors, sharing the good news of the gospel with those we encounter. We pray all of these things in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Template 2:

Father, we thank You for this time that we have had to be in Your presence and to study Your Word. We pray that as we go our separate ways, we would take with us all that we have learned and experienced here today. We ask that You would continue to work in our lives, molding us into the image of Christ. 

So, We pray that our time together would not just be a once-a-week event, but that we would continued to grow in relationship with one another and with You. Lord, bless each one of us as we go our separate ways. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Template 3:

We're so grateful that You've brought us all together for this Bible study meeting. We know that it's not by coincidence but by Your perfect will. We pray that as we close out this meeting, Your truth would continue to speak to our hearts. 

That we would be hungry for more of You, and more of Your Word. We pray that we would be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. Help us to put into practice what we've learned today so that we can grow in our faith and glorify You in all that we do. Thank You for Your grace and mercy, and for the promise of eternal life with You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer Before a Difficult Meeting

It’s always a good idea to pray before a difficult meeting. Here are five prayers that can help you get started:

Template 1:

Lord, help me to remember that this is Your will for me and that You are in control. Give me the strength and wisdom to face whatever comes my way.

Template 2:

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for the opportunity to meet with others and discuss important matters. Please guide our discussion and help us to find common ground.

Template 3:

Lord Jesus, I know that You are with me as I enter into this meeting. Please help me to be an effective ambassador for Your love and truth.

Template 4:

Holy Spirit, I ask for Your guidance as we discuss delicate matters. Help us to speak the truth in love, and lead us to a resolution that is best for all involved.

Template 5:

Father God, I thank You for bringing us together for this meeting. I pray that we would all be open to Your leading and that we would put aside our personal agendas in order to seek what is best for the group as a whole. Amen.

5 Benefits of Prayers for Meetings

A prayer for meetings can set the tone for a productive and positive gathering. It can also help to create a sense of unity and purpose among attendees. Here are five benefits of prayer before a meeting:

  • Praying can help to create a respectful atmosphere.
  • Prayer can help to focus the minds of attendees.
  • Prayer can provide a moment of reflection and introspection.
  • Pray can help to build unity and cohesion among attendees.
  • Prayer can help to set the tone for a productive meeting.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance any meeting. By taking a moment to pray before a meeting, you can create an atmosphere of respect, unity, and purposefulness.

Prayer Before Meeting


In conclusion, meetings are an essential part of our daily lives whether at work, at home, or with friends. Therefore, it is crucial to start them on a positive note by offering prayers of thanksgiving. The prayers listed in this blog post, “21 Good Prayers for Meetings,” can help individuals start their gatherings with a grateful and positive attitude.

It is important to remember that expressing gratitude during meetings not only uplifts the mood but also sets a positive tone for the day. Gratitude is a powerful tool that increases our level of happiness, improves our relationships, and boosts productivity. This blog post provides an opportunity for readers to incorporate the habit of gratitude into their daily routine, and by doing so, they can experience its positive impact on their lives.

We would love to hear about your experience with these prayers and how they have made a difference in your daily routine. Please share your feedback in the comments section below and visit our website for more inspirational ideas and resources to help you incorporate gratitude into your life. Remember, there is always something to be thankful for.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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