Emotional Prayers

19 Powerful Prayers for Hard Times

Prayers for Hard Times
Written by Joseph Crescent

Times are tough. We all know that. And when times are tough, it seems like prayer is the last thing on our minds. We’re too busy worrying about what we’re going to do to make ends meet, how we’re going to pay our bills, or where we’re going to find a job. But prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have in our arsenal during hard times. Prayer can help us stay focused on what’s important, keep our faith strong, and give us hope for the future. So even when times are tough, don’t forget to pray. And if you need some inspiration, here are 10 prayers for hard times that can hep you get started.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Hard Times

When you are facing tough times, it can be difficult to know what to do. You may feel like you have nowhere to turn. But no matter how dark and stormy your life may seem, there is always hope. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help to lift you up and give you strength. Here are five things to do before prayers for hard times:

  • Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. This will help you to focus on your prayers and prevent distractions.
  • Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. This will help you to clear your mind and focus on your intentions for prayer.
  • Speak your prayers aloud or in silence, whichever feels more comfortable for you. There is no correct way to pray, so simply express yourself from the heart.
  • Visualize yourself surrounded by light and love. See yourself as being held in the Arms of God or another Higher Power. Imagine all of your troubles melting away.
  • After you have finished praying, take a moment to sit in silence and listen for any guidance or messages that may come through. Be open to receiving whatever comes to you, even if it is not what you expected or wanted to hear. Trust that whatever comes is for your highest good.

Prayer for My Family in Difficult Times

Example 1:

I ask that you would give us wisdom and knowledge, so that we may discern your will for our lives. Grant us courage to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular. United against all odds, and fight for what is good and just. I pray for my family, friends, and loved ones. Draw us closer to you and each other during these difficult times. Help us to lean on you for strength, comfort, and peace. In Jesus name, Amen!

Example 2:

Lord, I pray for Your protection over my family. I ask that You would shield us from all harm and danger. Keep us safe from illness and accidents. Watch over us and keep us from all evil.

Example 3:

Lord, I pray for Your provision for my family. I ask that You would meet all of our needs – physical, emotional, and spiritual. I thank You for Your abundant blessings in our lives.

Example 4:

Lord, I pray for Your peace to fill my home. I ask that You would help us to trust in You through all of life’s storms. Fill us with hope and comfort as we walk with You through difficult times.

Example 5:

Lord, I pray for Your love to bind us together as a family. I ask that we would cherish one another and always seek to put each other’s needs above our own. Help us to be quick to forgive and slow to anger with one another. Thank You for the blessing of family, and may we always reflect Your love to those around us. Amen!

For more: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

Prayer for Someone Going Through a Hard Time

Prayer is a powerful tool that can offer comfort and strength to someone who is going through a difficult time. Here are four prayers that can be helpful for someone in need:

Example 6:

A Prayer for Strength – Almighty God, I thank you that you are my rock and my fortress. I ask that you would give me the strength I need to get through this difficult time. Please give me the courage to face each day with hope, and the wisdom to know how to best take care of myself and those I love. Amen.

Example 7:

A Prayer for Comfort – Heavenly Father, I praise you that you are the God of all comfort. I ask that you would please surround me with your love and care during this difficult time. Please give me your peace that surpasses all understanding, and the assurance that you are with me always. Amen.

Example 8:

A Prayer for Healing – Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the great physician. I ask that you would please heal me of whatever physical, emotional, or spiritual ailment is causing me distress at this time. Please give me your peace and healing power, so that I may experience your wholeness and hope once again. Amen.

Example 9:

A Prayer for Guidance – Holy Spirit, I thank you that you are my Counselor and my Comforter. I ask that you would please guide me during this difficult time, so that I may make decisions that are in line with your will for my life. Please help me to trust in your perfect timing and plan for my life, even when things feel uncertain. Amen.”

For more: 19 Powerful Prayers for Suffering

Short Prayers for Hard Times

When life gets tough, it can be helpful to turn to prayer. Prayer can help us to find comfort in difficult times, and it can also give us strength to face challenges. Here are six short prayers that can provide guidance and support in hard times:

Example 10:

“Dear God, please help me to get through this difficult time. I know that you are with me, and I pray that you will give me the strength and courage I need to face whatever challenges come my way.”

Example 11:

“Dear Lord, I am feeling so lost right now. Please help me to find my way. I know that you are the only one who can help me, and I trust in your guidance.”

Example 12:

“Father God, I am feeling so overwhelmed right now. Please help me to find peace and calm in the midst of this storm. I know that you are always with me, and I thank you for your strength and support.”

Example 13:

“Lord Jesus, I am feeling so lonely right now. Please be with me in this time of darkness and help me to find your light.”

Example 14:

“Heavenly Father, I am feeling so angry and hurt right now. Please help me to forgive those who have wronged me, and please help me to find healing for my own pain.”

Example 15:

“Almighty God, I am feeling so afraid right now. Please help me to overcome my fears and give me the courage to face whatever lies ahead. Thank you for being with me always.”

For more: 18 Powerful Prayers for Strength Samples

Prayers for Hope in Difficult Times

Example 16:

The first prayer is from the Book of Common Prayer. It asks for God’s strength and guidance in difficult times: “O God, who art the life of all who live, the light of the world, the joy of every heart: Deliver us, we pray thee, from the darkness of sin, and from the heretical teaching which denies thy Word; that we may walk as children of light in all goodness and righteousness… Amen.”

Example 17:

The second prayer is from St. Augustine. It is a beautiful plea for God’s mercy: “O Lord our God, good and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness… Hear our cries, O Lord, and have mercy upon us… Amen.”

Example 18:

The third prayer is from St. Teresa of Avila. It asks for the courage to face difficult times with hope: “Lord, grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life… Amen.”

Example 19:

And finally, the fourth prayer is from Mother Teresa. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, God is with us: “Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance wherever I go… Flood my soul with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that my life may only be a reflection of yours…. Amen.”

For more: 10 Powerful Prayers for Difficult Coworkers

Integrating Prayers for Hard Times into Your daily life

As a language model AI, I do not have personal experiences but here are some ways people can make prayer for hard times a consistent part of their daily routine:

  • Set aside a specific time each day: Choose a specific time each day, such as in the morning or before bed, to pray for hard times. This can help create a routine and ensure that prayer becomes a daily habit.
  • Make use of prayer reminders: Set reminders on your phone or calendar to remind you to pray for hard times. This can help keep you on track and ensure that you never forget to pray.
  • Pray with others: Praying with others can be a great way to stay consistent in your prayer life. Consider joining a prayer group or connecting with friends or family members who also pray for hard times.
  • Use a prayer journal: Keeping a prayer journal can be a helpful tool for tracking your prayers and staying focused. Write down the specific situations and people you are praying for and make notes of any answers to prayer you receive.
  • Incorporate prayer into other activities: Make prayer a part of your daily routines, such as during a morning walk or while doing household chores. This can help you to feel more connected to God throughout the day.

Remember, the goal is to develop a consistent habit of prayer for hard times, so choose the methods that work best for you and stick with them.

5 Benefits of Prayers for Hard Times

In our fast-paced, constantly connected world, it can be easy to forget the power of prayer. However, prayer can be a valuable tool for dealing with difficult times. Here are five benefits of prayers for hard times:

  • Prayers can help to restore our faith.

When we are facing hardship, it can be easy to lose faith in ourselves and in the world around us. Prayer can help to remind us that there is a higher power at work, and that we are not alone.

  • Prayers can help to ease our anxiety.

The challenges of life can often lead to anxiety and worry. Prayer can help to ease these fears by providing a sense of peace and calm.

  • Prayers can help to provide strength.

When we feel like we are at our wit’s end, prayer can give us the strength to keep going. It can provide the courage we need to face our challenges head-on.

  • Prayers can help to bring us closer to God.

When we pray, we open up a line of communication with God. This can help to bring us closer to Him and deepen our relationship with Him.

  • Prayers can help to change our perspective.

Prayer can help us to see our challenges in a new light. It can give us a different perspective that can help us to find new solutions that we may have otherwise overlooked.


I know that when life gets tough, it can be hard to remember to pray. I hope that this blog has served as a reminder for you to keep praying through the good times and the bad. If you found this helpful, please share it with your friends and family who might need some encouragement. Be sure to check out our other blogs for more tips on prayer and daily devotions. Thank you for reading!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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