Popular Prayers

10 Transformative Prayers for Son in Trouble

Prayers for Son in Trouble
Written by Joseph Crescent

I am reaching out to you all today with a heavy heart. Our son, who has always been a bright light in our lives, is in trouble and we need your prayers. We have tried to help him as much as possible, but he seems determined to make his own way in the world and ends up getting into more and more trouble. Please keep him in your thoughts, and if you can find it in your heart to say some prayers for him, we would be very grateful. Thank you for listening.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Son in Trouble

When you’re facing a difficult situation, it can be helpful to turn to prayer. Prayer can provide comfort and strength, and it can also be a powerful tool for change. If you’re hoping to see your son find success despite the challenges he’s facing, here are five things to do before you start praying for him.

  • First, take some time to get clear on what you’re asking for. What kind of change do you want to see in your son’s life? What are your deepest wishes for him? When you’re clear about your intentions, your prayers will be more focused and effective.
  • Next, surrender your son into God’s care. This doesn’t mean giving up on him or giving up hope. Instead, it means entrusting him into the loving hands of the Divine. This can be a difficult step to take, but it’s an important one.
  • Third, release any judgment or anger you may be holding onto. These negative emotions will only block your prayers from being answered. Instead, focus on sending love and light to your son.
  • Fourth, trust that God knows what’s best for your son, even if it’s not what you want or expect. Try to let go of any attachment to a particular outcome. When you’re able to do this, you’ll open yourself up to limitless possibilities.
  • Finally, be patient. Prayers are often answered in ways we don’t expect and often not immediately. Remember that God is always working in our lives, even when we can’t see it. Have faith that He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing.

Prayer for My Son in Trouble With the Law

Example 1:

I am so grateful for my son and the wonderful young man he has become, even though he is currently going through some tough times. Also, I know that with God’s help he will overcome these challenges and come out stronger on the other side. I pray for his safety while he is incarcerated, and for his heart and mind to be open to receiving the guidance, strength, and courage that he needs to make it through this difficult time. So, I also pray for the victims of whatever crime he has been accused of, that they may find healing and peace. I ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Example 2:

I come to you today Lord asking for prayers for my son who is in trouble with the law. Also, I know that he has made some bad choices and I ask that you would help him to see the error of his ways. I pray that he would be open to corrective measures and that he would have the strength to follow through with them. So, I also pray for those who are working with him, that they would be treated with patience, compassion, and respect. Help my son to find his way back to you, and to make positive choices that will help him to lead a productive and fulfilling life. Amen.

Example 3:

I am so grateful for the safe return of my son. I had been away on business when I received a call from his school telling me that he had been arrested. So, I could barely think straight, let alone drive home. But as soon as I walked in the door, I sank to my knees and prayed. I prayed for strength, for guidance, and for my son’s safety. And I vowed to never leave his side again. My son is still facing some serious charges, but we are hopeful that with the help of a good lawyer and some Divine intervention, he will be cleared of all wrongdoing. Thank you for your continued prayers. We feel surrounded by love and support during this difficult time.

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers for Those Who mourns

Mother’s Prayer for Son in Trouble

Example 4:

Oh Lord, please be with my son as he goes through these difficult times. Give him the strength to face all the challenges that lie ahead and help him to find Your light in the darkness. Help him to see that there is always hope, no matter how bleak things may seem. And most of all, help him to know that I am always here for him, no matter what. Amen.

Example 5:

Oh Lord, please protect my son from harm. Keep him safe from all the dangers of this world and help him to make good choices that will lead him down the right path. I pray that he will never lose faith in You or in himself. Amen.

Example 6:

Oh Lord, I am so grateful for my son. Please bless him and watch over him always. Help him to grow into a strong and kind-hearted man who makes a difference in this world. I pray that he will find happiness and success in all that he does. Amen.

Related: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

Prayers for My Son in Trouble

Example 7:

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today for my son who is in trouble. Lord, I know that he has made some bad choices and I ask that you would help him to see the error of his ways. I pray that you would give him the strength to resist temptation and the wisdom to make good choices. So, I also pray for your protection over him, that he would be safe from harm and that he would be kept out of reach of those who would do him harm. I love my son very much, Lord, and I trust that you will work in his life for good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 8:

Father God, I lift up my son to you today who is going through a difficult time. I ask that you would be with him and strengthen him during this time. Help him to lean on you and trust in you for guidance and strength. Bring people into his life who will encourage him and build him up. I pray that you would work in his heart and mind, giving him peace and hope during this time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 9:

Almighty God, my son is struggling right now and I am so worried about him. I ask that you would be with him in a special way during this time. Give him your comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray that he would feel your Presence with him always, especially when he feels alone or afraid. Help him to know that you are near even when things seem dark and hopeless. Grant him the courage to face whatever challenges come his way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 10:

Most gracious heavenly Father, Your love never fails and Your mercies are new every morning. Hear my prayer for my son who is going through a difficult season in life right now. Bring healing to his body, soul, and spirit. Work in his heart to take away anything that doesn’t belong there and fill him with Your peace, hope, love, joy, & faithfulness. Surround him with loving & supportive people to encourage & build him up . Teach us how to support & encourage each other well. Thank You for being our strong tower, our hiding place, & our very present help in times of trouble. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.

Related: 20 Prayers for Selling Your Home

5 Benefits of Prayers for Son in Trouble

You may have a son who is going through a tough time right now. Perhaps he is struggling in school, going through a difficult breakup, or dealing with addiction. As a parent, it can be hard to watch your son struggle. However, one way you can help is by praying for him. Here are five benefits of prayer:

  • Prayer can help to change your perspective.

When you pray for your son, it can help you to see the situation from God’s perspective. This can give you a new sense of hope and peace.

  • Prayer can help you to release your worries.

As you pray for your son, you can release all of your fears and worries to God. This can help you to feel more calm and peaceful.

  • Prayer can help you to feel closer to God.

Prayer can deepen your relationship with God and help you to feel His presence in your life. This can give you strength and comfort during difficult times.

  • Prayer can help you to intercede for your son.

As you pray for your son, you can ask God to intervene in his life and work miracles on his behalf. This can bring hope and healing into his life.

  • Prayer can help you to stand on God’s Word.

When you pray, you are declaring God’s promises over your son’s life. This can help him to stand on faith during difficult times and see God’s hand at work in his life

The role of faith in praying for Son in Trouble

Having faith when praying can enhance the effectiveness of our prayers by providing us with a sense of trust and confidence that our prayers will be answered. When we pray with faith, we believe that our prayers will be heard and that they will have an impact on our situation. This belief helps us to have a positive attitude and to approach our prayers with a sense of hope and optimism.

When we pray with faith, we also demonstrate our trust in a higher power and our willingness to surrender our worries and concerns to this power. This act of surrender can bring a sense of peace and calm to our minds, allowing us to focus on the positive aspects of our situation and to approach our prayers with a sense of clarity and purpose.

Moreover, having faith in the power of prayer can increase our motivation to pray and to continue to do so even when we don’t immediately see results. When we believe in the power of prayer, we are more likely to persevere in our prayers, even when the situation seems difficult or hopeless. This persistence in prayer can help us to maintain our focus and to stay positive, even in challenging times.

Having faith when praying can enhance the effectiveness of our prayers by providing us with a sense of trust, surrender, and motivation. When we approach our prayers with faith, we are more likely to experience the benefits of prayer, including peace, clarity, and a positive outlook on life.


I’m so grateful that my son is safe and sound.praying for our loved ones, especially when they are going through a difficult time, can bring us peace of mind and comfort. It also reminds us that we are not alone and that there is a higher power watching over us. Whether it is for our son or anyone else close to our heart, prayer can bring comfort and hope. By taking the time to pray and ask for guidance and strength, we can trust that everything will work out in the end. There are many resources available to support you and your family. Thanks for reading and remember, you are not alone.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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