
15 Powerful Prayers for an Advent Wreath

Prayers for an Advent Wreath
Written by Joseph Crescent

There is a palpable anticipation in the air as Christmas nears. Lights twinkle, carols are sung, and advent calendars are opened each morning to reveal a tiny door with a chocolate waiting behind it. For many people, one of the most anticipated parts of the season is setting up an advent wreath. Families gather around it to light a candle each evening and say a prayer. But what do you pray for? Here are four prayers for an advent wreath that can help guide your family’s intentions during this special time.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for an Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath is a beautiful and time-honored tradition that brings the hope and joy of Christmas into our homes. While the wreath itself is simple, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your Advent prayers are meaningful and impactful. Here are 5 things to do before you pray for your Advent wreath:

  1. Set the scene: Create a peaceful and reflective space for your Advent prayers. Light a candle, burn some incense, and play soft music if it helps you to relax.
  2. Center yourself: Take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Let go of any distractions or worries that may be on your mind.
  3. Reflect on the meaning of Advent: What does this season mean to you? What are you hoping to achieve during these weeks of preparation?
  4. Choose your prayers carefully: There are many beautiful prayers associated with the Advent wreath. Take some time to read through them and choose those that resonate most with you.
  5. Be Present in the moment: Once you begin praying, give your full attention to the words you are speaking and the sentiments you are conveying. This is not a time for multitasking! Be present in the moment and let yourself be fully immersed in the experience.

Advent Prayers for Families

Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Christ. As we wait for his arrival, we can pray for our families that we would be ready to receive him. Here are three prayers you can use during the Advent season:

Example 1:

Prayer for wisdom – Lord, give us wisdom as we prepare to welcome you into our homes and hearts. Help us to set aside anything that would keep us from knowing and loving you more. Give us your grace and peace as we wait for your coming. Amen.

Example 2:

Prayer for strength – Lord, we know that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. But as we wait for your coming, we sometimes feel burdened by the weight of our own expectations and fears. Give us strength to persevere in hope, trusting that you will fulfill all your promises to us. Amen.

Example 3:

Prayer for joy – Lord Jesus, as we await your coming, fill our hearts with joy! May your presence be our greatest gift this Christmas, and may we always remember the joy that comes from knowing you. Amen.

Advent Wreath Blessing

The Advent wreath is a ring of evergreen branches with four candles, which are traditionally lit during the four weeks leading up to Christmas. The candles represent hope, love, joy, and peace; and the evergreen branches represent eternal life. The Advent wreath is traditionally used as a devotional aid during the season of Advent, a time of preparations for the coming of Christ at Christmas. The following are three prayers that can be used to bless an Advent wreath:

Example 4:

“Lord God, we thank you for this Advent wreath which reminds us of your everlasting love. Bless those who have made it and all who will use it in worship. May it be a sign of our hope in Christ, who came to offer us eternal life. Amen.”

Example 5:

“Heavenly Father, we light these candles as a sign of our hope in you. As we watch and wait for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, may our hearts be filled with love and joy. Amen.”

Example 6:

“Lord Jesus Christ, may these candles remind us of your light in the world. As we await your coming at Christmas, fill us with your peace. Amen.”

Advent Prayers of Hope

Hope is the virtue that gives us the confidence to face the future and respond with trust, even when life is hard. During Advent, we hope for the coming of Christ, and for the ways that his love will change our lives. We also remember that God is always with us, even when things are tough. Here are three prayers of hope for Advent:

Example 7:

Dear God,

Thank you for being with us always, especially when times are tough. Help us to remember that your love never fails, and that you are always working for our good. Give us hope in the midst of darkness, and help us to trust in your unfailing love. Amen.

Example 8:

Lord Jesus Christ,

We long for your coming this Advent. Fill us with your hope and peace, that we may face the future with confidence and joy. Amen.

Example 9:

Holy Spirit,

Come and fill us with your gifts of hope and joy. Help us to remember that God is always with us, no matter what happens in this world. Amen.

First Sunday of Advent Prayer

The first Sunday of advent is a time to reflect on the coming of Christ and to prepare our hearts for his birth. Here are three prayers that can help to focus our hearts and minds on the true meaning of Christmas.

Example 10:

Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son. As we begin this season of Advent, help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Draw us closer to you and to each other, that we may joyfully await the birth of your Son. Amen.

Example 11:

Lord, we ask for your guidance as we prepare for Christmas. Help us to put aside the things that distract us from you, and to focus on what is truly important. Fill our hearts with your love, and open our eyes to see your presence in our lives. Amen.

Example 12:

Jesus, Lord of all, we humbly ask that you bless us this Advent season. Grant us peace and hope, as we wait for your coming. Help us to grow in faith and love, that we may be ready to receive you when you come again in glory. Amen.

Blessing of Advent Wreath at Home

The Advent wreath is a special way to celebrate the lead-up to Christmas. It originated in Germany, and many German families still keep this tradition alive today. The wreath is usually made of evergreen branches, and it is decorated with candles. One candle is lit on each of the four Sundays before Christmas, and each candle represents one week of Advent. As the candles are lit, families often say prayers together. Here are three prayers that can be said during the lighting of the Advent wreath:

Example 13:

Dear God, we light this candle as a symbol of hope. As we wait for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, help us to remember that you are always with us. Fill our hearts with your love and peace. Amen.

Example 14:

Dear God, we light this candle as a symbol of peace. As we wait for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, help us to remember that your love is the greatest gift of all. Fill our hearts with your love and peace. Amen.

Example 15:

Dear God, we light this candle as a symbol of joy. As we wait for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas – that your love is the best gift of all. Fill our hearts with your love and joy this holiday season. Amen.

4 Benefits of Prayers for an Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath is a ring of evergreen branches with four candles, which are traditionally lit during the four weeks leading up to Christmas. The wreath symbolizes hope and expectation, and the candles represent the light of Christ coming into the world. Praying for an Advent wreath is a beautiful way to prepare for Christmas and remind us of the meaning of the season. Here are five benefits of praying for an Advent wreath:

  1. It helps us to slow down and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. In the busyness of the holiday season, it can be easy to forget what we are celebrating. Praying for an Advent wreath helps us to take a few minutes each day to remember that Christmas is about Jesus Christ, and His love for us.
  2. It reminds us of God’s faithfulness. Every year, we light the candles on our Advent wreath and remember that God is faithful to His promises. No matter what changes or challenges we face in our lives, we can trust that God will never leave us or forsake us.
  3. It gives us hope for the future. The darkness of winter can sometimes make us feel hopeless, but as we light each candle on our Advent wreath, we are reminded that Jesus is coming again and He will make all things new. We can have hope for the future because we know that Jesus has conquered death and He has promised to return.
  4. It helps us to focus on others. As we pray for those who do not know Jesus Christ, we are reminded of His call to share the Gospel with all nations. We can also pray for those who are struggling this holiday season, and ask God to bring them joy and peace.


I hope you found this blog helpful in coming up with a plan for your Advent wreath. The posts covered many different aspects of the tradition and gave ideas that can be tailored to fit your own family’s needs. Whether you decide to follow one of our plans or create your own, may your home be filled with light and love as we await the arrival of Christ.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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