Prayers For Healing

12 Best Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Husband

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Husband
Written by Joseph Crescent

In today’s world, we face countless challenges that test our faith and spirit, leaving us feeling vulnerable and helpless. As a wife, it can be especially challenging to see our husbands struggle with these battles, both internally and externally. This is where Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Husband can come in, providing a source of strength and protection for our husbands as they navigate through life’s ups and downs.

As a spiritual practice, prayer has been shown to have numerous benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to increasing feelings of hope and positivity. When it comes to spiritual warfare prayers for our husbands, we are tapping into a powerful tool that can help protect them from negative energies and influences while promoting spiritual growth and well-being.

In this blog post, we will explore 12 of the best spiritual warfare prayers for your husband, each designed to provide guidance, protection, and support as he faces life’s challenges. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or new to the practice, these prayers will inspire and empower you to stand by your husband’s side and offer him the spiritual strength he needs to thrive.

5 Things to Do Before Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Husband

If you’re feeling like your marriage is under attack, spiritual warfare prayers for your husband can help. Here are 5 things to do before you start praying:

  • Spend time in God’s Word. This is the best way to prepare your heart for prayer. When you meditate on Scripture, you’ll be able to more clearly see the areas of your husband’s life that need God’s intervention.
  • Fast and pray together. This is a powerful way to bind yourselves together in prayer and to seek God’s face for your marriage.
  • Get rid of any unforgiveness in your heart. If you’re harboring bitterness or resentment towards your husband, it will hinder your prayers. Ask God to help you forgive completely and to release any negative feelings you may have.
  • Confess any sin in your own life. We all fall short, but confession is key to maintaining a healthy relationship with God. As you confess your own sins, ask God to show you anything else that needs to be dealt with in your own life.
  • Pray specifically. Rather than just asking God to “bless our marriage,” focus on specific areas that need His attention. For example, pray for protection from adultery, financial provision, and healing from past hurts. As you lift up each area in prayer, believe that God is faithful to answer!

For more: 5 Things To Do Before Prayer in Christianity

Prayers of spiritual warfare for husband

I pray that my husband will be protected from the schemes of the enemy

Lord, I pray that my husband will be protected from the schemes of the enemy. I pray that he will be alert to Satan's tactics and will not be deceived by his lies. I ask that You would give my husband wisdom and discernment so that he can stand firm against the enemy's attacks. Amen."

Pray that You would give my husband strength in the midst of spiritual warfare

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would give my husband strength in the midst of spiritual warfare. I ask that You would give him the courage to stand up against the enemy and fight for what is right. I pray that my husband would be a bold witness for Christ, even in the face of opposition. Amen."

Pray that You would surround my husband with Your holy angels

Almighty God, I pray that You would surround my husband with Your holy angels. I ask that You would protect him from all harm and shield him from all danger. I pray that he would be kept safe in Your care. Amen."

Thank You for giving us victory over the enemy through Christ Jesus our Lord

Blessed Lord, I thank You for giving us victory over the enemy through Christ Jesus our Lord. I praise You for giving us the authority to bind Satan and all his works in Jesus' name. I declare that my husband is free from Satanic bondage and is walking in repentance and forgiveness. Amen."

For more: 17 Best Prayers for the Workplace

Spiritual warfare for my husband

Pray for him regularly

Pray for him regularly. I know that prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have in the spiritual battle, so I make it a point to pray for my husband daily. I pray for his spiritual growth, for his relationship with God, and for his protection from evil.

Encourage him to stay involved in church

Encourage him to stay involved in church. I know that being involved in a local church community is an important part of spiritual warfare. It helps us to stay focused on our faith and provides accountability and support. So, I encourage my husband to stay involved in our church community by participating in activities, serving in ministry, and attending weekly services.

Help him to stay informed about spiritual warfare

Help him to stay informed about spiritual warfare. One way I help my husband stay informed about spiritual warfare is by reading articles and books together about the topic. This helps us to keep the conversation going and to pray more specifically for each other and for the world around us.

Remind him of God’s love for him

Remind him of God's love for him. One of the best things we can do in the midst of spiritual warfare is to remember that God loves us perfectly and completely. No matter what we're facing, we can rest assured that He is with us and will never leave us alone. Whenever my husband feels discouraged or defeated, I remind him of God's great love for him and all He has done for us.

For more: 19 Powerful Prayers for Finding a Husband

Warfare prayer for husband

Prayer for Protection:

Prayer for Protection: Lord, I pray that You would surround my husband with Your hedge of protection. Keep him safe from all harm and danger. He is precious to me and I need him in my life. Amen.

Good Prayer for Strength:

Prayer for Strength: Heavenly Father, I ask that You would give my husband strength for today. Help him to be strong in body and mind, so that he can serve You well. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom:

Prayer for Wisdom: Lord, I pray that You would give my husband wisdom as he navigates through life. Help him to make wise decisions that will honor You and bless our family. Amen.

Cool Prayer for Boldness:

Prayer for Boldness: Jesus, I pray that You would empower my husband to be bold in his faith. Help him to always proclaim Your truth, no matter the circumstances. Amen.

The Role of Faith in Praying for My Husband

Having faith when praying is important because it allows us to approach our prayers with a belief that God is listening and can answer our requests. This belief can increase the power and effectiveness of our prayers, as it shows a level of trust and reliance on God’s abilities. When we pray with faith, we are more likely to approach our prayers with a positive attitude, which can help us feel more confident and at peace.

Additionally, when we pray with faith, we are more likely to receive comfort and guidance, even if our prayers are not answered in the way we desire. By approaching prayer with faith, we can deepen our relationship with God and feel more connected to His presence and guidance in our lives.

5 Benefits of Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Husband

It is no secret that marriage can be tough. There are often conflict and tension, as two people try to navigate their way through life together. However, one of the best things you can do for your marriage is to pray for your husband. Here are five benefits of spiritual warfare prayers for my husband:

  • Prayers can help to protect your husband from evil forces that may be trying to harm him.
  • Prayers can give your husband strength and courage in the face of difficult challenges.
  • Prayers can help your husband to resist temptation and make wise choices.
  • Prayers can help your husband to stay focused on God and His plan for his life.
  • Prayers can help to bring you and your husband closer together spiritually.

Praying for your husband is one of the best things you can do for him and for your marriage. It is an act of love and faith that can have a profound impact on both of you. So take a few minutes each day to lift up your husband in prayer, and watch God work in his life!

For more:


In conclusion, we have provided you with 12 powerful spiritual warfare prayers for your husband. These prayers are designed to help you cover your husband in prayer, asking for God’s protection, guidance, and blessings in his life. As you pray these prayers over your husband, we believe that you will begin to see the hand of God moving in his life, bringing him closer to his divine purpose and destiny.

We hope that you have found these prayers to be helpful and that they have encouraged you in your spiritual journey. We are thankful for the opportunity to share this information with you and we pray that it will be a blessing to you and your family. If you have any feedback or comments about this blog post, we would love to hear from you. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Finally, we would like to invite you to visit our website for more inspiration, resources, and ideas on how to live a life of purpose and spiritual fulfillment. We rely on the support of our readers to continue creating content that inspires and uplifts. If you feel led to support our mission, please consider making a donation on our website. We are grateful for your support and we pray that you will continue to be blessed on your spiritual journey.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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