Popular Prayers

15 Elevating Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones

Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones
Written by Joseph Crescent

Are you praying for your unsaved loved ones? Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones If not, you should be! Praying for the salvation of others is one of the most powerful things we can do. It shows that we care about them and want them to have eternal life. God hears our prayers and will often work in amazing ways to bring people to Himself. So if you have unsaved loved ones, pray for them today! Go ahead and read on for some powerful prayers you can use.

Prayer is such a powerful tool, and when it comes to our loved ones who haven’t yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, we need to be using it all the time! Prayer changes things – it changes us, it changes our attitudes, and most importantly, prayer changes hearts. Scripture is full of examples of God answering prayer and bringing people to Him through miraculous means. And so we must never give up on praying for those closest to us! If you’re looking for some inspiration when it comes to prayer, look no further than this blog post. Here are five specific prayers that you can pray for your unsaved loved ones – each with its own unique focus. Read on and be encouraged that your prayers matter! (end intro paragraph)

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones

  1. Pray for their understanding. Ask God to open their minds and hearts to the gospel message. Pray that they would have the wisdom to see the truth of the gospel and the courage to follow it.
  2. Pray for their repentance. Ask God to work in their lives, convicting them of their sin and drawing them to himself. Pray that they would turn from their wicked ways and live for him.
  3. Pray for their salvation. Ask God to save them from his wrath and give them eternal life. Pray that they would trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and receive the gift of salvation.
  4. Pray for their growth. Ask God to help them grow in their faith, maturing in their walk with him. Pray that they would be faithful followers of Christ, living according to his Word.
  5. Pray for their witness. Ask God to use them as witnesses for his gospel, sharing the good news with those around them. Pray that they would be bold in their witness, proclaiming Christ to the world.

Prayers for unsaved loved ones heaven awaits

As a Christian, it is natural to want our loved ones to share in our faith. We want them to experience the hope and joy that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. However, sometimes our loved ones do not share our faith. This can be a source of great worry and concern.

One way we can care for our unsaved loved ones is through prayer. Here are four prayers you can offer up for your unsaved loved ones:

Example 1:

Prayer for their salvation: Dear Lord, I pray that my loved one will come to know you as their Savior. I pray that they will experience your love and grace and that they will be saved. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 2:

Prayer for their spiritual growth: Dear Lord, I pray that my loved one will grow in their faith. I pray that they will deepen their relationship with you and that they will grow in their knowledge of your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 3:

Prayer for their courage: Dear Lord, I pray that my loved one will have the courage to stand up for their faith. I pray that they will be bold in sharing the Gospel with others and that they will be a witness for you in all they do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 4:

Prayer for your own heart: Dear Lord, I pray for strength and wisdom as I walk alongside my unsaved loved one. Help me to remain patient and hopeful as I wait for them to come to know you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.’

Related: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

Prayers for unsaved family members

Prayer can be a powerful tool for connecting with our loved ones who are not yet saved. Here are four prayers you can use to reach out to your unsaved family members:

Example 1:

Prayer for repentance: Lord, we pray that our loved ones will come to repentance and receive Your forgiveness. We know that there is nothing that can separate them from Your love, and we pray that they will experience the freedom and peace that comes from being in right relationship with You.

Example 2:

Prayer for open hearts and minds: Heavenly Father, we pray that You would open the hearts and minds of our loved ones to the message of the gospel. We know that the enemy is at work to keep them blinded to the truth, but we declare that You are more powerful than any force of darkness. Help them to see the light of Your love and truth.

Example 3:

Prayer for courage and boldness: Lord, we pray that our loved ones will have the courage and boldness to openly profess their faith in You, even in the face of opposition. We know that it is not easy to stand up for what is right, but we pray that they will be empowered by Your Spirit to do so.

Example 4:

Prayer for perseverance: Father, we know that the journey of faith can be difficult, and we pray for perseverance for our loved ones who are walking this path. We ask that You would give them strength for each day and hopeful expectation for what is ahead. Thank You that nothing is impossible with You! Amen.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers For Someone With Cancer

Praying for unsaved loved ones focus on the family

Example 1:

Dear Lord, I pray for my unsaved loved ones. I know that You love them even more than I do, and I trust You to work in their lives in ways I cannot even imagine. I ask that You would soften their hearts and open their eyes to Your truth. Help them to see that following You is the best possible decision they could ever make. I pray that they would be willing to take that step of faith and surrender their lives to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 2:

Father God, I know that it is Your will for all people to come to repentance and have eternal life through Jesus Christ. I pray that You would work in the hearts of my unsaved loved ones and draw them near to You. Give them a hunger for Your Word and a desire to know more about You. Help them to see how much better life is when lived according to Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 3:

Almighty God, I lift up my unsaved loved ones before You today. I pray that they would come to know the joy of having a personal relationship with You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help them to understand that following You does not mean living a boring or difficult life, but rather that it is a life full of hope and purpose. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit so that they can boldly proclaim Your Good News to those around them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers Of Gratitude To God For Blessings

Prayer points for salvation of loved ones

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us to reach our loved ones who are living in sin. Here are 12 specific prayer points to help you pray for the salvation of your loved ones:

  • Pray that God will open their eyes and hearts to the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray that they will see their need for salvation and turn to Christ for forgiveness.
  • Pray that they will be willing to reject their old life of sin and embrace a new life in Christ.
  • Pray that God would grant them repentance and a knowledge of the truth.
  • Pray that God would work in their hearts to will and to act according to His good purpose.
  • Pray that God would grant them faith to trust in Christ alone for salvation.
  • Pray that God would grant them hope and a desire for eternal life with Him.
  • Pray that God would work in their lives to make them more like Christ.
  • Pray that God would use you as an instrument of His grace in their lives.
  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with them.
  • Pray for boldness and wisdom in sharing your faith with them.
  • Pray that God would save them and bring them into His kingdom!

Praying for the salvation of our loved ones is not easy, but it is so important. Let us never give up hope that God can work in their lives in a mighty way!

Related: 21 Powerful Prayers for My Best Friend

Prayer for an unsaved loved one

Example 1:

“Heavenly Father, I pray that You would reach out to my unsaved loved one and draw them into a saving relationship with You. I ask that You would open their eyes to see the truth of the gospel and their need for a Savior. So, I also ask that You would soften their hearts to respond in faith and repentance. I believe that nothing is impossible for You, so I ask that You would work in ways that we cannot even imagine to bring my loved one into a right relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 2:

“O Lord, I lift up my unsaved loved one to You and ask that You would save them from their sin. I know that they are lost and without hope apart from Christ, so I pray that You would grant them repentance and faith. I ask that You would open their eyes to see the beauty of the gospel and the glories of Your kingdom. Draw them near to Yourself, Lord, and let them find rest in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 3:

“Almighty God, I appeal to You for my unsaved loved one. They are precious to me and I want nothing more than for them to come to Christ and be saved. So I pray that You would work in their lives in a mighty way – convicting them of sin, righteousness, and judgment; revealing to them the beauty of Christ and the wonders of His love; drawing them into a saving relationship with Yourself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for the Sick

5 Benefits of Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones

When we pray for our unsaved loved ones, we are asking God to intervene in their lives in a way that only He can. Here are five benefits of prayers for unsaved loved ones:

Prayers for unsaved loved ones are a vital part of our spiritual They allow us to express our faith and hope, and to commit ourselves to doing everything we can to see them come to Christ. So let’s keep praying!

The role of faith in praying for Unsaved Loved Ones

In many religious traditions, faith plays a central role in the act of prayer. The idea is that a person’s faith can help to strengthen the connection between them and a higher power, making their prayers more effective. Believers may view their faith as a powerful tool for influencing the outcome of their prayers, particularly when they are praying for someone else, such as an unsaved loved one.

In this context, having strong faith can be seen as an important factor in bringing about real change in the life of the person being prayed for. It is believed that prayers offered with sincere faith and devotion can help to soften the heart of the unsaved loved one and lead them towards salvation.

However, it’s also worth noting that different religious traditions have different beliefs about the role of faith in prayer and the extent to which prayer can bring about change. Some may emphasize the power of God or a higher power to bring about change, while others may emphasize the role of human effort and free will.

Ultimately, the role of faith in the power of prayer is a matter of personal belief and interpretation, and different people may have different perspectives on this question.


If you have an unsaved loved one, I hope this blog was helpful for you. It’s so important that we pray for our loved ones who don’t yet know the I understand how difficult it is to see a loved one living without Christ. It can be agonizing, especially when you’ve tried everything to get them saved and they still refuse. That’s why prayer is so important. When we pray, we are tapping into the power of God that can change any heart. So if you have an unsaved loved one, make sure to include them in your prayers daily. Here are some powerful prayers you can use:

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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