
20 Collection Of Prayers for the Incarcerated

Prayers for the Incarcerated
Written by Joseph Crescent

We all know someone who is incarcerated. And we all know how hard it is to watch them go through the struggles of being in prison. But what if we could help make their lives just a little bit easier? Prayers for the Incarcerated is a new blog series that will focus on offering prayers and support for our loved ones who are behind bars. We will lift them up in prayer, offer words of encouragement, and stand with them in solidarity. Join us as we stand together for those who cannot stand alone.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for the Incarcerated

There are millions of people incarcerated in the US alone. Many of these individuals are not able to reach out to their loved ones or have anyone to support them. That’s where you come in! You can make a difference in their lives by offering prayers and support. Here are 5 things you can do before praying for the incarcerated:

  • Learn about the individual’s situation. What are they facing? What are their goals? This will help you personalize your prayers and offer more specific support.
  • Research the prison system. What is the conditions like? What are the policies that impact prisoners? This will help you understand the challenges they are up against and how best to pray for them.
  • Reach out to other supporters. It can be helpful to share your experiences and pray together for strength and guidance.
  • Collect resources. There are many organizations that offer free resources for prisoners, such as books, magazines, and even pen-pal programs. These can be a great way to connect with an individual and let them know they are not alone.
  • Pray! Offer up sincere prayers for the individual, asking for strength, guidance, and healing. Remember that even though they are incarcerated, they are still beloved children of God.

For more: 5 Things To Do Before Prayer in Christianity

Prayer for someone incarcerated

incarceration can be a difficult and trying time for both the person incarcerated and their loved ones. If you have a friend or family member who is currently incarcerated, here are four prayers you can offer up for them:

Example 1:

Prayer for strength – Lord, we pray that You would give our loved one the strength to endure this season of incarceration. We know it is not easy, but we ask that You would give them the grace and strength to get through each day.

Example 2:

Prayer for hope – Lord, we pray that You would give our loved one hope in this dark time. We know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we ask that You would help them to see that hope.

Example 3:

Prayer for healing – Lord, we pray that You would heal any emotional or physical wounds that our loved one may be carrying. We know that incarceration can be a very traumatic experience, and we ask that You would bring healing and peace.

Example 4:

Prayer for redemption – Lord, we pray that You would redeem this time in our loved one’s life. We know that there is purpose in everything, even this difficult season. We ask that You would work in their hearts and lives to bring about good from this time.

For more: 19 Powerful Prayers For Someone With Cancer

Prayer for incarcerated loved ones

Example 5:

Prayer for Strength: Lord, I lift up my loved one who is incarcerated. I ask that you would give them strength for the days ahead. Grant them the courage to face their challenges and the wisdom to know what to do. Surround them with your love and care. Amen.

Example 6:

Prayer for Hope: Heavenly Father, I pray that my loved one would experience your hope while they are incarcerated. Fill them with peace and joy, knowing that you are with them always. Give them a sense of your presence even in the midst of their struggles. Amen.

Example 7:

Prayer for Healing: Almighty God, I pray for healing for my loved one who is incarcerated. Heal their mind, body, and spirit from the hurts and pains of their past. Help them to forgive those who have wronged them and to find reconciliation and peace. Amen.

Example 8:

Prayer for Protection: Heavenly Father, I ask that you would protect my loved one while they are incarcerated. Keep them safe from harm and from those who would do them harm. Guide their steps and help them to make good choices while they are away from home. Amen.

For more: 20 Powerful Prayers for Forgiving Yourself

Prayer for incarcerated son

It is natural for any parent to want the best for their child. But when a child makes choices that lead to incarceration, it can be difficult to know how to pray. Here are four prayers for an incarcerated son:

Example 9:

Pray for his safety. This is the first and most important thing to pray for. You want your son to be safe, both physically and emotionally. Ask God to protect him from harm and give him the strength to endure whatever challenges he faces.

Example 10:

Pray for his repentance. It is possible that your son is not yet saved. In that case, your greatest desire is that he would repent of his sins and turn to Christ. Pray that God would work in his heart and draw him near.

Example 11:

Pray for his growth. Even if your son is a believer, this is still a difficult situation. Pray that he would grow in his faith and learn from this experience. Ask God to use this time to mold him into the man He wants him to be.

Example 12:

Pray for his release. This may be the hardest thing of all to pray for. But ultimately, you want what is best for your son – even if that means he remains in prison for a while longer. Trust that God knows what He is doing and His plan will ultimately be victorious.”

For more:

Prayers for incarcerated husband

As a husband and father, one of the hardest things you can do is go to jail. It’s a difficult and scary time for both the inmate and their family. But even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Here are four prayers for an incarcerated husband:

Example 13:

That he will find strength in God: Pray that your husband will look to God for strength during this difficult time. Strength to endure the days ahead, strength to stay positive, and strength to be a good role model for his children.

Example 14:

That he will be treated fairly: Unfortunately, the criminal justice system is not always fair. Pray that your husband will be treated fairly throughout the process, from arrest to sentencing. And if he is sentenced to prison, pray that he will be treated humanely and with respect.

Example 15:

That he will stay connected to his family: It’s important for an incarcerated husband to stay connected to his wife and children. Pray that he will be able to call home often, and that he will write letters regularly. And pray that when he is released from jail, he will be able to pick up where he left off with his family.

Example 16:

That he will have hope for the future: Finally, pray that your husband will have hope for the future. Hope that he can put this experience behind him, hope that he can find a good job, and hope that he can be a productive member of society again.

For more: 19 Powerful Prayers for Finding a Husband

Prayers for incarcerated youth

Prayer can be a powerful tool for helping incarcerated youth. Here are four prayers that can help to provide guidance, strength, and hope:

Example 17:

A prayer for strength: Lord, please give me the strength to endure this difficult time. I know that You are with me, and I am grateful for Your love and support. Please help me to remember that this is only temporary, and that You have a plan for my life. Amen.

Example 18:

A prayer for guidance: Heavenly Father, please guide me as I navigate this correctional system. I am feeling lost and alone, and I need Your wisdom and direction. Please lead me to the people and resources that I need in order to make it through this time. Amen.

Example 19:

A prayer for hope: Lord, I am feeling so hopeless right now. Please give me a glimpse of Your goodness and mercy, so that I may have hope in the midst of this darkness. Remind me of Your love, and help me to cling to You in faith. Amen.

Example 20:

A prayer for healing: Heavenly Father, I am struggling with so much hurt and pain right now. Please begin the process of healing in my heart, mind, and soul. Help me to forgive those who have harmed me, and to find forgiveness myself. Bring peace into my life, Lord; amen.”

5 Benefits of Prayers for the Incarcerated

Prayer can be a powerful tool, particularly for those who are incarcerat. Here are five ways that prayer can benefit the incarcerated:

  • Prayer can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially important for those who are facing long sentences or who are struggling with the adjustment to life in prison.
  • Prayer can provide a sense of peace and calm. This can be invaluable for inmates who are dealing with difficult emotions or situations.
  • Prayer can help to connect inmates with a higher power. This can provide strength and guidance during difficult times.
  • Prayer can help to build positive relationships. This is important for inmates who may be feeling isolated and alone.
  • Prayer can help to promote healing and forgiveness. This is crucial for inmates who are working to turn their lives around and make positive changes.

For more:

5 Benefits of Prayers for the Incarcerated into Your daily life

As we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to forget about those who are behind bars. But the truth is, there are millions of people incarcerat in prisons and jails all around the world, and many of them are in desperate need of our prayers. When we pray for the incarcerated, we not only help those who are behind bars, but we also bring blessings into our own lives. Here are just a few of the benefits of praying for the incarcerated:

  1. Compassion: Praying for those who are incarcerated helps us cultivate compassion in our hearts. It reminds us that everyone is a child of God, and that we are all deserving of love and forgiveness.
  2. Gratitude: When we pray for the incarcerated, we are reminded of the blessings in our own lives. We are reminded of the freedom we enjoy and the many opportunities we have to live fulfilling lives.
  3. Connection: Praying for the incarcerated helps us connect with others in a deeper way. It reminds us that we are all part of a larger community, and that we have a responsibility to care for one another.
  4. Forgiveness: Praying for the incarcerated can help us cultivate a spirit of forgiveness in our hearts. It reminds us that even those who have made mistakes are deserving of love and compassion.
  5. Spiritual Growth: When we pray for the incarcerated, we open ourselves up to spiritual growth and transformation. We reminds that our lives are not just about ourselves, but that we are all part of a larger, divine plan.


In conclusion, praying for those who are incarcerated is a noble act that can bring comfort and hope to individuals who are going through a difficult time. It is important to remember that everyone deserves compassion, regardless of their mistakes, and that we can all play a role in helping to create a more just and equitable society.

We encourage our readers to leave their thoughts and prayers in the comments section below, and to visit our website for more information and resources on how to support the incarcerated and their families. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need our support the most.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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