Popular Prayers

18 Emotional Prayers for Protection Against Evil

Prayers for Protection Against Evil
Written by Joseph Crescent

Protection against evil is a timeless concern for individuals seeking to maintain a safe and peaceful life. While there are numerous physical measures one can take to ensure personal safety, spiritual practices such as prayer can also provide a sense of security and protection. Emotional prayers for protection against evil are a powerful tool for those who believe in the power of prayer.

These prayers are not just meant to ward off physical harm, but also protect one’s spirit and soul from negative influences. The act of prayer can be a cathartic experience, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and a higher power. Whether it’s a prayer for protection before leaving the house, while traveling, or during difficult times, emotional prayers can help bring peace of mind and a sense of divine protection.

In this blog post, we will explore 18 emotional prayers for protection against evil that can serve as a source of comfort and protection for those who seek it. Each prayer carries its own unique intention and energy and can be used in various situations. By tapping into the power of prayer and focusing on positive energy, individuals can cultivate a sense of inner strength and protection that can guide them through life’s challenges.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Protection Against Evil

When we pray for protection against evil, we are asking God to keep us safe from harm. Here are five things you can do to prepare for your prayer:

  • First, take a moment to quiet your mind and body. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to find time to slow down and be still. But when we take a few moments to focus on our breath and clear our thoughts, we create a space for communion with God.
  • Second, open your heart. Prayer is not just about words; it is about connection. When we open our hearts, we invite God into our lives and offer ourselves up to His will.
  • Third, ask for guidance. Before you begin your prayer, ask God to show you the way. We often know what we need protection from, but we may not be sure how to go about asking for help. Asking for guidance will help ensure that your prayer is aligned with God’s will.
  • Fourth, give thanks. As you begin your prayer, take a moment to give thanks for all the ways God has protected you in the past. This attitude of gratitude will help strengthen your faith and open your heart even more to His presence.
  • Fifth, trust in God’s power. As you finish your prayer, release all fears and doubts into His hands. Trust that He has the power to protect you from all evil and that He will answer your prayer in His perfect timing and according to His perfect will.

Night prayer for protection against evil

When we lay down to sleep at night, we are vulnerable. We are susceptible to all sorts of evils, from the lurking, malevolent beings in the shadows to our own negative thoughts and emotions. That’s why it’s important to pray for protection before we drift off to sleep.

Here are three powerful prayers for protection against evil:

Prayer for Protect from All Evil

Heavenly Father, I am Your child and I love You. I ask that You please protect me from all evil as I sleep. Please keep me safe from harm and surround me with Your love and light. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for Guide

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that You please watch over me as I sleep. Please keep me safe from all evil and guide my dreams so that they are peaceful and positive. In Your name, Amen.

Good Prayer for Protection

Holy Spirit, I ask that You please fill me with Your protection as I sleep. Please surround me with Your light and love so that I am shielded from all evil. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

For More:15 Powerful Prayers for First Responders

Prayer to protect from evil

As we go through life, it’s important to remember that we are not alone. There are unseen forces at work in the world, both good and evil. We need to be vigilant in our fight against evil, and one way to do that is through prayer. Here are four prayers that can help protect you from evil:

Protect Me From All Forms of Evil

"Dear God, please protect me from all forms of evil. I know that You are always with me, and I ask for Your special protection against those who seek to do harm. Amen."

Good Prayer for Protection Against the Schemes of the Evil

" Heavenly Father, I humbly ask for Your protection against the schemes of the evil one. I know that You are all-powerful and will keep me safe from harm. Thank You for being my ever-present fortress against the enemy. Amen."

Pray for Mercy

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I call on You to drive away the forces of darkness that seek to destroy me. Deliver me from evil and Protect me always under Your loving care. Amen."

Prayer for Protection Against the Wickedness

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts - by the power of God - cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls! Amen."

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers for Those Who Mourn

Prayer for Protection Against Evil Eye

Pprayer is from the Bible,

The first prayer is from the Bible, and is known as the Prayer of Jabez. It reads: "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." This prayer asks for God's protection and blessing, and promises to obedience in return.

Best prayer from the Quran

The second prayer is from the Quran, and is called Surah Al-Fatihah. It reads: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Show us the straight path. The path of those whom You have favored; Not those who have earned Your anger or gone astray." This prayer affirms Allah's sovereignty and petitions for His guidance and protection.

Catchy Prayer for Protection from Evil Spirits

The third prayer is from Jewish tradition and is known as The Prayer for Protection from Evil Spirits. It reads: "Holy One of Blessing, keep us safe from harm; Incline our hearts to life and peace; Fill us with love and care for all; Help us extend compassion to our enemies; Guard us against all anger, hatred, and revenge; Teach us patience in tribulation; Deliver us from fear and despair; Grant us the courage to overcome all evil." This prayer asks for strength in the face of adversity and for the ability to see past differences.

Protection against the evil eye

Protection against the evil eye is important to many people around the world. While there are many ways to achieve this protection, prayer is one of the most powerful. The three prayers above offer different approaches to seeking protection, but all three are based on a belief in a higher power who can provide strength and guidance. Whatever your beliefs, if you are looking for protection against the evil eye, these prayers may offer some comfort and peace of mind.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for a Good Night’s Sleep

Prayer to remove evil from my husband

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help to remove evil from our lives. Here are four prayers that you can use to protect your husband from evil:

Prayer for Removing all Evil from My Husband’s life

Dear God, please remove all evil from my husband's life. Protect him from harm and help him to lead a good and moral life. Amen.

Prayer for Protect my Husband from the Temptations of Evil

Lord, please protect my husband from the temptations of evil. Help him to resist temptation and to make good choices. Amen.

Best Prayer forgive my husband the strength to overcome evil

Heavenly Father, please give my husband the strength to overcome evil. Help him to be a force for good in this world and to stand up against evil in all its forms. Amen.

I pray that you will Remove all Evil from my Husband’s life

Almighty God, I pray that you will remove all evil from my husband's life. May he be safe from harm and may he live a life that is honorable and just. Amen.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for Finding a Husband

Prayer for family protection against evil

Please protect my family from all evil

Dear God, please protect my family from all evil. Watch over us and keep us safe from harm. Guard our bodies, minds, and hearts from any sickness or disease. Help us to always be alert and aware of dangers that may come our way. Keep us strong in faith, so that we may overcome any trials that come our way. Amen.

Prayer for God Wrap your Loving arms Around My Family

Heavenly Father, please wrap your loving arms around my family and protect us from all evil. Help us to trust in you and lean on you in times of trouble. Strengthen our faith so that we may be able to stand up against the enemy. Grant us your peace and protection, Lord. Amen.

Please be with my family always.

Lord Jesus, please be with my family always. Protect us from evil and temptation, and help us to stay on the path of righteousness. Fill our hearts with your love so that we may always treat others with kindness and respect. Help us to be a light in the darkness, spreading your love to those around us. Amen.

For More: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

5 Benefits of Prayers for Protection Against Evil

When we pray for protection against evil, we are asking for God’s help in keeping us safe from harm. Here are five ways that prayer can provide protection:

  • Prayer can protect us from physical harm.

When we pray for protection, we are asking God to keep us safe from physical harm. This could include accidents, injuries, or diseases.

  • Prayer can protect us from emotional harm.

Prayer can also protect us from emotional harm. This could include pain, suffering, or heartache. When we pray for protection, we are asking God to keep us emotionally safe.

  • Prayer can protect us from spiritual harm.

Spiritual harm can come in many forms, such as temptation, sin, or spiritual attacks. When we pray for protection, we are asking God to keep us spiritually safe.

  • Prayer can protect us from financial harm.

Financial harm can come in the form of financial burdens or difficult financial circumstances. When we pray for protection, we are asking God to keep us financially safe.

  • Prayer can protect us from relational harm.

Relational harm can come in the form of hurtful words, difficult relationships, or even divorce. When we pray for protection, we are asking God to keep our relationships safe.

The Role of Faith in Praying for Protection Against Evil

Having faith when praying for protection against evil is important because it helps you to believe that your prayers will be answered and that you will receive protection.

When you pray with faith, you trust in the power of your higher power to provide you with the help you need. This creates a strong emotional connection to your prayers, which can enhance the effectiveness of your prayers and make them more meaningful.

Additionally, faith can give you a sense of peace and comfort, even in difficult situations, which can be a source of strength and protection in and of itself. By having faith when you pray for protection against evil, you are putting your trust in a higher power and relying on its strength to keep you safe.


In conclusion, the prayers for protection against evil presented in this blog post are powerful tools that can help readers connect with their faith and find comfort in times of distress.

These prayers are not only a way to ask for protection but also a way to express gratitude and strengthen one’s relationship with God. By reciting these prayers, readers can invite God’s love and protection into their lives, and find the strength and courage to face any challenge that comes their way.

We hope that these prayers have been a source of comfort and inspiration for our readers and that they have found solace in knowing that they are not alone in their struggles. We encourage our readers to continue to pray for protection and guidance and to always remember that God is with them every step of the way.

Finally, we would like to invite our readers to leave their feedback about this blog post and share their thoughts and experiences with us. We also encourage them to visit our website for more ideas and resources on spirituality and faith. If our content has resonated with our readers and they would like to support us, we welcome any donations to help us continue our mission of spreading love and positivity.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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