
16 Powerful Prayers for Persecuted Christians

Prayers for Persecuted Christians
Written by Joseph Crescent

Christmas is a time for celebration and rejoicing, but for millions of prayers for persecuted Christians around the world, it’s a time of fear and sadness. That’s because they live in countries where it’s illegal to practice their faith, and they face constant persecution from the government or extremist groups. This Christmas, we should all take a moment to pray for these persecuted Christians, that they will be kept safe and that their faith will never waiver. Let’s also remember to support organizations that are working to help them escape persecution and rebuild their lives.

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Persecuted Christians

Christians in America have it pretty easy. We don’t face much persecution for our beliefs. However, there are still many prayers for persecuted Christians around the world who are facing persecution. This International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, let’s remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith. Here are five things you can do to support them:

  1. Pray for them! This may seem obvious, but it’s essential. Pray for their safety, their strength, and their resolve.
  2. Educate yourself about the persecution they’re facing. Learn about the countries and regions where they live, and the specific threats they face.
  3. Advocate for them. Speak out against the persecution they’re experiencing. Write letters, make phone calls, and use social media to raise awareness about their situation.
  4. Support organizations that work on behalf of persecuted Christians. There are many great organizations doing important work to support our persecuted brothers and sisters. Consider giving financially to one of these organizations.
  5. Be willing to stand with them in solidarity. If you are ever in a position where you could be persecuted for your faith, be ready to stand strong and proclaim your beliefs boldly, just as our persecuted brothers and sisters do every day.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church

A prayer is a powerful tool that Christians can use to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for their faith. Here are four specific prayers you can offer for the persecuted church:

Example 1:

Pray for strength and courage. Persecution can be terrifying, and many Christians live in constant fear. Pray that they would be brave in the face of danger and have the strength to stand up for their beliefs, even when it is costly.

Example 2:

Pray for protection. Many Christians are targeted simply because they are members of the church. Pray that God would protect them from harm and keep them safe from those who wish to do them harm.

Example 3:

Pray for wisdom. It can be difficult to know how to respond when you are being persecuted. Pray that Christians would have the wisdom to know how to best love and serve those who are persecuting them.

Example 4:

Pray for hope. The situation for many persecuted Christians can seem bleak and hopeless. But we know that our hope is in Jesus, and prayer can remind us of that hope. Pray that persecuted Christians would experience the hope of Christ in the midst of their trials.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for Kindness

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Example 5:

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is an annual event that takes place on the first Sunday in November. The day was established in 1992 as a way to bring attention to the plight of Christians who are persecuted for their faith around the world. Every year, Christians of all denominations gather to pray for their brothers and sisters who are facing religious persecution.

The day is also a time to remember those who have been killed or imprisoned because of their faith and to stand in solidarity with all those who are suffering for their beliefs. On this day, we ask God to provide strength and courage for those who are being persecuted, and we pray for an end to religious discrimination and violence. We also commit to standing with our brothers and sisters in Christ and doing what we can to support them in their time of need.

Praying for Persecuted Believers

Example 6:

Around the world, millions of Christians face persecution for their faith. In some countries, it is illegal to be a Christian, and believers must meet in secret. In others, they may be harassed or even killed for their beliefs. Despite the risks, these Christians continue to worship and proclaim their faith.

Example 7:

Intercessory prayer is one way that Christians can stand with their persecuted brothers and sisters. When we pray for persecuted believers, we are asking God to intervene on their behalf. We also commit to standing with them in prayer, no matter what the cost may be.

Example 8:

Persecution can take many forms, from verbal abuse to physical violence. By praying for persecuted believers, we can provide them with much-needed support and encouragement. We can also let them know that they are not alone in their struggle. So let us join together in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

Related: 18 Powerful Prayers For Illumination

Prayer for Those Suffering Religious Persecution

Prayer is an important part of the Christian faith, and it can be a powerful tool for those who are suffering from religious persecution. Here are four prayers that can will be use to support and comfort those who are facing harassment, discrimination, or violence because of their beliefs:

Example 9:

Prayer for protection: “Lord, protect those who are facing religious persecution. Keep them safe from harm, and give them the strength to endure. Amen.”

Example 10:

Prayer for courage: “Lord, give those who are suffering from religious persecution the courage to stand up for their beliefs. Help them to remain strong in the face of adversity, and to never give up hope. Amen.”

Example 11:

Prayer for justice: “Lord, we pray for justice for those who have been persecuted because of their faith. We ask that you bring an end to discrimination and violence against them, and that they may live in peace and safety. Amen.”

Example 12:

Prayer for healing: “Lord, we pray for healing for those who have been affected by religious persecution. We ask that you comfort them in their time of pain and loss, and that you restore their hope for the future. Amen.”

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers for the Deceased

Catholic Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Around the world, Christians are facing persecution from governments, extremist groups, and even their own families. In many cases, they are risking their lives simply for following their faith. Catholic prayers can offer them strength and comfort in times of trouble.

Example 13:

Prayer for the Persecuted Church (From Pope Benedict XVI)

O God of peace, look with favor on your suffering Church. Strengthen those who are persecuted for their fidelity to the Gospel, and give them the courage to bear witness to your truth. Grant that all who suffer persecution in your name may find consolation in your love. Amen.

Example 14:

Prayer for the Victims of Christian Persecution (From Pope Francis)

Lord Jesus Christ, who willingly endured suffering and death for our salvation, have mercy on those who are persecuted in your name. Comfort them with your presence, strengthen them in their faith, and give them the courage to persevere. Amen.

Example 15:

Prayer for Peace in Syria (From Caritas Internationalis)

Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, we pray for peace in Syria. Protect those who are persecuted because of their faith. Bring an end to the violence and bloodshed. Grant wisdom to political and religious leaders, so that they may work together for peace. Amen.

Example 16:

A Prayer for Nigeria (From Mission Together)

Heavenly Father, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria who are facing persecution because of their faith in you. We ask that you would give them strength in times of trial, comfort in moments of sorrow, and hope in times of darkness. We also pray that you would protect them from harm and bring an end to the violence against them. In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.”

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for a Narcissist

Integrating Prayers for Persecuted Christians into Your daily life

  1. Set aside specific times each day to pray, such as in the morning, at lunch, and before bed.
  2. Use resources such as prayer guides or lists of persecuted Christians to focus your prayers and stay informed.
  3. Consider joining a prayer group or starting one with friends, family or fellow church members to pray together and hold each other accountable.
  4. Incorporate prayer for persecuted Christians into your personal devotional time and worship experiences.
  5. Make it a habit to pray for persecuted Christians in your daily interactions, such as before meals or during breaks.
  6. Remember the persecuted in your personal intercessions and offer up prayers for them when you receive Communion.
  7. Pray for the persecuted not just as a group but also for specific individuals, their families and their communities.
  8. Support organizations that work to assist and advocate for persecuted Christians through prayer, donations, and advocacy efforts.

5 Benefits of Prayers for Persecuted Christians

When we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, we are standing with them in the midst of their trials. Here are five ways that our prayers can make a difference for persecuted Christians:

  1. Prayers can help to lift up their spirits and give them hope.
  2. Prayers can provide them with much-needed encouragement.
  3. Prayers can intercede on their behalf, bringing their needs before God.
  4. Prayers can remind them of God’s faithfulness in the midst of trials.
  5. Prayers can unite us as the Body of Christ, and help to build up the Church.

As we lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer, let us also remember to thank God for His faithfulness, and ask for His wisdom and strength as we stand with them in the midst of their trials.


I hope this blog helped give you some ideas of how to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Remember, they are risking their lives every day to follow Christ. They need our prayers! Won’t you commit to praying for them daily? Let us know in the comments below how you will be praying for our persecuted family.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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