Prayers For Healing

17 Revolutionary Prayers for a Godly Husband

Prayers for a Godly Husband
Written by Joseph Crescent

Do you have a godly husband? If not, pray for one! prayers for a godly husband is a tremendous blessing from God and can make your life so much better. Here are some prayers that will help you cultivate a strong relationship with your godly husband. Thank God for him every day and ask Him to help you become the wife He desires you to be. Praise Him for all the ways He has blessed your husband and thank Him for His protection over him. Ask Him to keep your husband safe and guide him in everything he does. Be sure to pray for your own needs as well, including spiritual growth, marital unity, and sexual intimacy. These prayers will help you build a closer relationship with God and also strengthen your marriage!

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for a Godly Husband

Prayers for a Godly Husband is a powerful tool that can help to bring about the desires of our hearts. If you are longing for a godly husband, here are five things to do before you start praying:

  1. Spend time getting to know God. The better you know God, the better you will be able to understand His will for your life. As you grow in your relationship with God, He will give you wisdom and guidance in how to pray for your future husband.
  2. Surrender your desires to God. It is important to remember that God’s plan for your life may not be the same as your own. In surrendered prayer, we surrender our own desires and ask God to align our hearts with His will. This does not mean that we stop wanting a husband, but rather that we trust that God knows what is best for us and will provide in His perfect time.
  3. Pray for God’s provision. As you pray for a godly husband, also ask God to provide for all of your needs – both physical and spiritual. Trust that He will meet all of your needs and supply every need according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).
  4. Pray for godly character traits in your future husband. Rather than praying for specific physical characteristics or personality traits, focus on asking God to instill godly character qualities in your future husband such as kindness, patience, and faithfulness. These are the qualities that will make him a good husband and father and a faithful follower of Christ.
  5. Pray for other single women who are also seeking a godly husband. Intercede on behalf of other women who are also waiting on the Lord for a godly spouse. Ask God to meet their needs and comfort them during this season of singleness. As you pray for others, you can also be confident that God hears your prayers as well!

Prayer for My Husband

Example 1:

I pray that my husband will be a man of integrity. Also, I pray that he will be honest and truthful in all areas of his life. I pray that he will be a good role model for our children. So, I pray that he will be a man of his word, and that he will always keep his promises.

Example 2:

I pray that my husband will be a loving and compassionate husband. I pray that he will always put my needs above his own. So, I pray that he will be patient and kind, and that he will always forgive me when I sin against him. I pray that our marriage will be a reflection of Christ’s love for the Church.

Example 3:

I pray that my husband will be a godly leader. Also, I pray that he will lead our family with wisdom and discretion. I pray that he will make decisions based on what is best for our family, not what is easiest or most convenient. So, I pray that he will always seek God’s guidance in every area of his life. I pray these things for my husband, not because he is perfect, but because I know that with God’s help, he can be the man that God has called him to be. Amen.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers for Finding a Husband

Prayer to Remove Evil from My Husband

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us to remove evil from our lives. Here are four prayers that can help to remove evil from our husbands:

Example 1:

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would remove any evil from my husband’s life. I ask that You would protect him from all harm and walk with him through all trials and temptation. Amen.

Example 2:

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would drive out all evil from my husband’s life. I ask that You would give him strength to resist temptation and the courage to stand up against Evil. Amen.

Example 3:

Holy Spirit, I pray that You would fill my husband with Your power and love. Help him to overcome evil with good and to always trust in Your perfect will for his life. Amen.

Example 4:

Father God, I thank You that You are bigger than any evil in this world. I ask that You would surround my husband with Your protection and keep him safe from all harm. Thank You for Your faithfulness and love. Amen.”

Related: 17 Powerful Prayers for Boyfriend

Anniversary Prayer for My Husband

Example 1:

It’s hard to believe that it has already been four years since I married the man of my dreams. It seems like just yesterday we were standing at the altar, pledging our hearts to each other. And yet, in some ways it feels like we’ve been together forever. In the past four years we’ve laughed and loved, faced challenges and celebrated triumphs. And through it all, our love has only grown stronger.

Example 2:

As we embark on another year of marriage, I am so grateful for my husband. I am thankful for his patience and kindness, his laughter and his love. I am thankful for the way he makes me feel – safe, loved and cherished. So, I am thankful for the many blessings we have received in the past four years, and I am hopeful for all the wonderful things yet to come.

Example 3:

So on this special anniversary, I pray for my husband. I pray for continued health and happiness, for peace and prosperity. I pray that our love will continue to grow deeper and stronger with each passing year. And finally, I pray that we will always be a team – working together to build a beautiful life that we can cherish forever. Amen.

Related: 15 Best Prayers for Family Healing With Members of Family

Prayer for My Husband to Come Home

Example 1:

Prayer for his safe return – Dear God, please keep my husband safe as he travels away from home. I know that You are with him always, but please give him an extra measure of Your protection. Watch over him and guard him from all harm. Bring him back to me safely, Lord, and I will be forever grateful.

Example 2:

Prayer for his health – Heavenly Father, please watch over my husband’s health while he is away from home. I know that being in a different country can be hard on his immune system, so please give him strength and vitality. Help him to stay healthy and well so that he can come home to me soon.

Example 3:

Prayer for his peace of mind – Lord, I know that my husband is worrying about our family while he is away. Please give him peace of mind and calm his fears. Let him know that we are all okay and that we are waiting for him to come home. Fill his heart with hope and patience until the day we are reunited again.

Example 4:

Prayer for our reunion – Dear God, I cannot wait for the day when my husband comes home again. Please bring him back to me soon, safe and sound. I long to see his face and feel his arms around me once again. Until then, I will trust in Your promises and wait patiently for his return. Amen.”

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers For Couples Married With Images

Early Morning Prayer for Husband

Wives, did you know that one of the most important things you can do for your husband is to pray for him? Prayer is such a powerful weapon, and when we use it on behalf of our husbands, God hears and He answers.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are 4 early morning prayers for your husband:

Example 1:

Dear Lord, thank You for my husband. I pray that You would give him a heart for You and that he would grow in his walk with You. Give him wisdom and discernment as he makes decisions each day. Be with him at work and help him to be a light for You in the workplace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 2:

Father God, I ask that You would give my husband strength as he faces challenges each day. I pray that he would lean on You and trust You with every area of his life. Help him to be patient and kind, even when things are tough. I ask that You would bless our marriage and make us a team that glorifies Your Name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Example 3:

Heavenly Father, I lift up my husband to You today. I pray for his health – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Please give him supernatural strength when he is tired and help him to resist temptation. Fill him with Your joy and peace, no matter what the circumstances may be. In Jesus’ name, Amen .

Example 4:

LORD , thank You for my husband . I love him so much , and I pray that Your love would overwhelm him each day . Teach him how to love me well , and help us to grow closer together in our relationship . Thank You for the gift of marriage , and help us to use it to glorify Your name . In Jesus ’ name , Amen .

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers For My Struggling Marriage

The role of faith in praying for a Godly Husband

In many religious traditions, faith is seen as an important aspect of prayer, as it involves believing in the power of a higher being to bring about change and answer prayers. People who pray for a Godly husband with strong faith may believe that their faith will increase the chances of their prayers being answered. They may believe that prayer, combined with their faith and trust in a higher power, can bring about real change in their lives, including attracting a loving and supportive partner.

However, it is worth noting that the concept of faith and the role it plays in prayer can vary greatly among different religious and spiritual traditions, and individual experiences with prayer and faith may also vary. Additionally, the relationship between prayer, faith, and the manifestation of change is a complex one that has been debated and discussed by theologians, philosophers, and scientists for centuries. Ultimately, the power of prayer and the role of faith in that process may depend on one’s personal beliefs, experiences, and understanding of the world.

5 Benefits of Prayers for a Godly Husband

Christian wives know that they need to pray for their husbands. But why is this? What are the benefits of praying for a godly husband? Here are five reasons:

  1. Prayer builds up your husband. When you pray for your husband, you are asking God to strengthen him, give him wisdom, and help him to be the man that God has called him to be. This is an act of love and respect, and it will build up your husband in return.
  2. Prayer protects your marriage. When you pray for your husband, you are asking God to protect your marriage from Satan’s attacks. This is vital, because Satan will stop at nothing to destroy your relationship. By praying for protection, you are taking a stand against Satan and his plans.
  3. Prayer brings you closer to God. As you pray for your husband, you will find yourself spending more time talking to God. This is a great way to grow closer to Him and to develop a deeper relationship with Him.
  4. Prayer gives you peace of mind. When you pray for your husband, you can let go of all worry and stress. You can trust that God is in control, and that He will take care of your husband. This will give you a peace of mind that is priceless.
  5. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have against Satan. When we pray for our husbands, we are asking God to intervened in their lives in a mighty way. We are asking Him to move in their hearts and change them for the better. And He always answers our prayers!


I know that finding a Prayers for a Godly Husband is something that has been on your heart for a long time. I want you to know that I am praying for you and believe that God has someone special for you. In the meantime, continue to work on being the best version of yourself. Be patient and have faith that God will bless you with a godly husband in His perfect timing. I hope you found this blog helpful!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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