Popular Prayers

19 Enlightening Intercessory Prayers for the Church

Intercessory Prayers for the Church
Written by Joseph Crescent

In these days of great turmoil and confusion, it is more important than ever for the Church to be praying for one another. There is power in prayer, and as we lift each other up to God, He will help us to overcome the challenges we face. If you are feeling called to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ, here are some specific ways you can do so: (list 4-5 ways)… The church is in desperate need of intercessory prayers! We need people to pray for us – to lift us up to God and plead with Him on our behalf. Our pastors, leaders, and members are struggling under the weight of all that we’re facing. We need your prayers!

Would you commit to praying for the church? Would you be willing to be an intercessor? If so, here are some specific things you can pray for:

  • That God would give our pastors wisdom and guidance as they lead us through these difficult times.
  • For unity within the Body of Christ, that we would put aside our differences and come together in love.
  • That God would protect His people from spiritual attacks and physical harm.
  • For courage for all Christians who are standing firm in their faith despite increasing opposition.
  • And finally, that revival would sweep across the church like a wildfire! Lord, we need Your touch

5 Things to Do Before Intercessory Prayers for the Church

When we pray for the church, we are interceding on behalf of all believers worldwide. We are asking God to move in power, to change hearts and circumstances, and to bring revival. As we pray, we need to remember that we are not just praying for “them.” We are also praying for ourselves. Here are 5 things to do before intercessory prayers for the church:

  1. repent of your own sin. If we want to see God move in power, we must first deal with our own sin. We cannot approach God with a clean heart while harboring unconfessed sin in our lives.
  2. ask God to search your heart. As you pray for the church, ask God to show you any areas of your own life that need to be changed.
  3. be humble. Ask God to give you humility as you pray for the church. Pride is one of the biggest hindrances to prayer, and it will prevent us from seeing God move in power if we’re not careful.
  4. be patient. Prayer is often a journey, not a destination. Trust that God is at work even when you don’t see immediate results.
  5. be persistent. Never give up! Keep praying until you see breakthroughs in the lives of those you are interceding for, and in your own life as well.

Intercessory prayer for church leaders

Church leaders have a lot on their plate! They are responsible for the overall care and direction of the church, as well as the spiritual development of its members. As such, they can often feel burdened by the weight of these responsibilities. However, we believe that God hears and answers our prayers, no matter how big or small they may be. Here are 4 intercessory prayers for church leaders:

Example 1:

Prayer for Protection: Lord, we pray that you would protect our church leaders from harm. Shield them from physical dangers and also from spiritual attacks. Keep them safe in your care. Amen!

Example 2:

Prayer for Strength: Lord, we know that leading a church can be tough. Sometimes the demands can feel overwhelming. We pray that you would give our church leaders the strength they need to persevere. Enable them to do all that you have called them to do, and do it with joy. Amen!

Example 3:

Prayer for Wisdom: Lord, we know that wisdom is something that only you can provide. We pray that you would give our church leaders the wisdom they need to make godly decisions. Help them to know your will for the church and to lead in a way that is pleasing to you. Amen!

Example 4:

Prayer for humility: Lord, we know that pride can be a dangerous thing, especially for those in positions of authority. We pray that you would help our church leaders to remain humble before you. May they always remember that it is only by your grace and power that they are able to serve in this way. And may they use their position of influence to point others to you. Amen!

For More: 15 Powerful Prayers for Pentecost

Intercessory prayer for church growth

Prayer is a powerful tool that we can use to intercede on behalf of our church community. When we pray for church growth, we are asking God to work in and through us to reach more people for His kingdom. Here are four ways we can pray for church growth:

Example 5:

Pray for God to raise up more leaders. We need godly leaders who will boldly proclaim the gospel and make disciples. Pray that God would call more people into leadership positions within the church, and that those who are currently in leadership would be faithful to their calling.

Example 6:

Pray for the lost Pray that God would open the eyes of those who are lost in sin and show them their need for a Savior. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their sin and lead them to repentance.

Example 7:

Pray for believers to be bold witnesses. Pray that Christians would not be afraid to share their faith with others. Tthat they would have wisdom and discernment as they evangelize, and that they would be faithful in sharing the gospel message clearly and winsomely.

Example 8:

Pray for God’s blessing on the church. Pray that God would pour out His blessing on the church and that it would be a light in the darkness, drawing people to Christ. That He would grant us favor in our community and that doors would be opened for us to share the good news of salvation with those who are searching for meaning and hope in this life.

For More: 17 Powerful Prayers for All Saints Day

Intercessory prayer for church finances

When it comes to church finances, there are a few key intercessory prayer points that can make a big difference. Here are four of the most important ones:

Example 9:

Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance. This is perhaps the most important thing to pray for when it comes to church finances. As the leaders of your church make decisions about how to use the resources that have been entrusted to them, they need God’s wisdom and guidance.

Example 10:

Pray for faithful stewardship. Another key intercessory prayer point for church finances is for faithful stewardship. Those who handle the finances of the church need to be good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to them. They should be careful to use those resources wisely and in ways that will further the mission of the church.

Example 11:

Pray for financial provision. One of the primary purposes of intercessory prayer is to ask God to provide for our needs. This is certainly true when it comes to church finances. As you pray for your church, ask God to provide the resources that are needed to enable it to effectively carry out its mission.

Example 12:

Pray for wisdom in using financial resources. Finally, as your church leaders make decisions about how to use the financial resources available to them, they need wisdom from God. Pray that they would seek His guidance and wisdom in all of their decision-making regarding finances.

For More: 18 Powerful Prayers for All Souls Day

Sample Intercessory prayers for the church

Example 13:

God our Father, we come to You today with heavy hearts. We lift up the church to You and pray for Your protection and guidance. We know that the enemy is constantly seeking to destroy Your church and divide Your people. But we declare that the church is strong in You and will not be shaken. We stand together in unity, decreeing and declaring Your glory over us. We proclaim that You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even though the earth should shake and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. We will trust in You, always knowing that You are our refuge and strength. Amen.

Example 14:

Lord Jesus, we come to You today interceding for our church leaders. We know that they are called by You to lead us and guide us into all truth. Pray that they would be filled with wisdom and discernment as they make decisions for the church. We ask that You would give them courage to stand firm on Your Word, even when it is unpopular or unpopular. And we pray that they would have a heart for Your people and a passion for seeing them grow in their relationship with You. Amen.

Example 15:

Father God, we intercede for those who are lost and brokenhearted today. We know there are many who are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives but have not yet found it in Jesus Christ. Pray that they would find hope in Him today. We pray that their eyes would be opened to see His goodness and majesty, and their hearts would be drawn towards Him like never before. Amen.

For More: 18 Powerful Prayers For Illumination

Intercessory prayer for church service

When we pray together as a church, we are reminded that we are not alone in our faith journey. We are part of a larger community of believers who are united in our love for God and our desire to follow His will. Intercessory prayer is one way that we can support and encourage each other as we seek to grow in our faith. Here are four intercessory prayers that can be used during church services:

Example 16:

For those who are struggling: Lord, we lift up those who are struggling today. Give them Your strength and peace as they face their challenges. Fill them with hope and courage, knowing that You are with them always. Amen.

Example 17:

For those who are grieving: Lord, we lift up those who are grieving today. Bring Your comfort and peace to their hearts. Help them to know that You are with them in their sorrow, and give them the strength to continue on. Amen.

Example 18:

For those who are sick: Lord, we lift up those who are sick today. Heal their bodies and minds, and give them the strength to keep going. Let them feel Your presence and love as they go through their journey of healing. Amen.

Example 19:

For all of us: Lord, we lift up all of us today. Thank You for being with us always, no matter what we face in life. Help us to remember that we are never alone, and that You will always be by our side. Amen.

For More: 21 Good & Strong Prayers for Blessings

5 Benefits of Intercessory Prayers for the Church

When it comes to prayer, many people think of it as a personal activity done in solitude. However, intercessory prayer is a powerful form of prayer that is done on behalf of others. Here are five benefits of intercessory prayers for the church:

  1. Intercessory prayers can help to build up the church community. By praying for others, we are reminded of our shared connection and our need for support from each other.
  2. Intercessory prayers can lead to spiritual growth. As we pray for others, we open ourselves up to God’s love and grace, which can help us to grow in our own faith journey.
  3. Intercessory prayers can be a source of strength in difficult times. When we lift up others in prayer, we also take on their burdens and share in their sufferings. This can help to strengthen our own faith as we walk through difficult times.
  4. Intercessory prayers can be a witness to the power of God. As we see God answer our prayers for others, it is a testimony to His power and goodness.
  5. Intercessory prayers can bring about lasting change. As we pray for others, we are asking God to work in their lives in powerful ways. This can lead to lasting changes in their hearts and lives that impact not only them but also those around them.

Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life, and intercessory prayer is a powerful way to bless others and impact the world around us for good.

The role of faith in Intercessory Prayers for the Church

Faith is an essential component in prayer because it allows us to approach God with confidence and trust in His power and willingness to answer our prayers. When we pray with faith, we acknowledge that God is in control and can do far more than we can ask or imagine. This attitude of faith can enhance the effectiveness of our intercessory prayers for the church by showing our trust in God’s sovereignty and love for His people. Furthermore, when we pray with faith, we open ourselves up to receive answers to our prayers and to be used by God as vessels of His power and grace. Ultimately, having faith in God as we pray allows us to align our hearts and minds with His will, making our intercessory prayers a powerful tool for bringing about transformation in the church and the world.


I hope you found this blog helpful. Prayer is such a powerful tool, and we need to be in prayer for our churches as they continue to face difficult challenges. Please share this post with your friends and family, and if you have any other stories about how intercessory prayer has helped your church, What stood out to you most from what we’ve talked about? Leave a comment below and let me know!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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