
16 Collection Of Prayers for the Lost in the Bible

Prayers for the Lost in the Bible
Written by Joseph Crescent

The Bible is full of prayers for the lost. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s Word pleads with us to seek out and save those who are perishing. In this blog post. Well, take a look at some of the most powerful prayers for the lost in the bible Scripture. By understanding what God desires for those who are far from Him. We can more effectively reach out to the world around us with His love. Let’s join together in prayer and ask God to open our eyes to see those who need Him most. Although they may seem hopeless, we know that with God nothing is impossible!

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for the Lost in the Bible

As a Christian, it is important to pray for the lost. Prayers for the Lost in the Bible But before you start praying for the lost. There are a few things you should do.

  • First, make sure that you are in a good place spiritually. If you are not right with God, your prayers will not be as effective.
  • Second, study the Bible and learn what it has to say about salvation. The more you know about what the Bible says, the more effective your prayers will be.
  • Third, ask God to give you wisdom and knowledge. This will help you understand how to pray for the lost more effectively.
  • Fourth, spend time in prayer. This will help you to become more focused and effective in your prayers.
  • Finally, don’t give up. Praying for the lost can be a difficult and challenging task, but it is important to persevere.

The lost prayer in the bible

Example 1:

The first lost prayer is known as the Prayer of Jabez. This prayer was included in a manuscript known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. But it did not make it into the final version of the Bible. The Prayer of Jabez is a beautiful petition for God’s blessing, and its loss is lamented by many Christians.

Example 2:

The second lost prayer is the Prayer of Manasseh. This prayer was included in an early version of the Book of Chronicles. But it was later removed from the biblical canon. The Prayer of Manasseh is a moving plea for forgiveness. and its omission from the Bible is keenly felt by many people.

Example 3:

The third lost prayer is the Prayer of Azariah. This prayer was recorded in an ancient book known as The Wisdom of Solomon. But it did not survive into the modern era. The Prayer of Azariah is a beautiful hymn of praise to God. And its loss is deeply regretted by many Christians.

Example 4:

The fourth and final lost prayer is the Prayer of Jeremiah. This prayer was included in an early version of the Book of Jeremiah. But it was later removed from the biblical canon. The Prayer of Jeremiah is a powerful plea for God’s help in times of trouble. And its omission from the Bible leaves a gaping hole in our understanding of scripture.

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration

Bible verses about praying for lost souls

Example 5:

In Matthew 9:38, Jesus tells His disciples to “pray earnestly for laborers.” This is a clear call for us to pray for those who are not yet save. We are to ask God to send forth workers into the harvest field – those who will proclaim the gospel and lead people to Christ.

Example 6:

In Luke 19:10, Jesus speaks of His mission being “to seek and save the lost.” This is a beautiful statement of God’s heart for those who are far from Him. We see here that it is God’s will to save all who come to Him in repentance and faith. And so we can confidently pray that He would do just that that He would seek out the lost and save them by His grace.

Example 7:

Another biblical verse that can guide our prayers for the lost is Matthew 9:36-38. Which says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them. Because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a sheep. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'” This verse reminds us that there are many people who do not know Christ and that we need to pray earnestly for those who will share the gospel with them.

Example 8:

And finally. in 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul exhorts us to “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” Here we see that our prayers for the lost must be accompanied by action on our part.

Related: 15 Powerful Prayers for the Repose of the Soul

Bible verses to pray for the lost

Example 9:

One biblical verse that provides guidance on how to pray for the lost is Romans 10:14, which says, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” This verse reminds us that it is essential to preach the gospel to those who are lost so that they may have the opportunity to hear about and believe in Jesus Christ.

Example 10:

In Romans 10:1, Paul says that he “pleads with you” to pray for the lost. This verse emphasizes the urgency of our prayers for those who do not know Christ. We must cry out to God on their behalf. that He would open their eyes to the truth of the gospel and draw them unto Himself.

Example 11:

yet another biblical verse that can help shape our prayers for the lost is 2 Timothy 4:2, which says, “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” This verse encourages us to be bold in our witness for Christ and to persevere even when it is difficult. It also remind us that we need to be patient as we share the gospel with others because God uses His Word to change hearts and lives.

Example 12:

1 Peter 3:15 says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy. Always being prepare to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. Yet do it with gentleness and respect,”

Related: 19 Powerful Prayers Of Gratitude To God For Blessings

Prayer for lost souls bible verse

Example 13:

A Prayer for the lost sheep – “Lord, we pray for those who have gone astray. We know that they are Your lost sheep and we ask that You would bring them back into the fold. We also pray for strength and wisdom for ourselves, as we continue to try and reach out to them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 14:

A Prayer for the prodigal son – “Father, we pray for those who have left You and gone their own way. We ask that You would draw them back to Yourself and give them a desire to return home. We also ask that You would give us patience and understanding as we wait for their return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 15:

A Prayer for the wayward child – “Heavenly Father, we pray for Your protection over the children who have wandered away from You. We ask that You would guide them back to the path of righteousness and fill their hearts with a desire to follow You. We also ask that You would give us strength and courage as we continue to parent them from afar. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Example 16:

A Prayer for all lost souls – “Merciful Father, we lift up all those who are lost and wandering in this world without You. We ask that You would reach down and draw them into Your loving arms. Fill their hearts with a desire to know You and follow You all the days of their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Related: 18 Best Prayers for God to Intervene

5 Benefits of Prayers for the Lost in the Bible

The Bible is clear that we are to pray for the lost. Here are five benefits of prayer for the lost that we see in the Bible.

  • First, when we pray for the lost, we are interceding on their behalf. We are asking God to work in their lives and bring them salvation.
  • Second, our prayers for the lost remind us of our own need for salvation. As we see the lost in their sin, it should humble us and drive us to our knees in repentance.
  • Third, praying for the lost is an act of love. We are showing our concern for their spiritual well-being and want them to experience the joy of a relationship with God.
  • Fourth, when we pray for the lost, we are proclaiming the gospel. We are declaring that Jesus is the only way to salvation and that there is hope for those who turn to him.
  • Finally, our prayers for the lost will one day be answer when they come to faith in Christ. What a great joy it will be to know that our prayers played a part in their salvation!

The role of faith in praying For the Lost in the Bible

Faith plays a crucial role in the power of prayers for the lost in the Bible. The Bible teaches that faith is an essential component for prayers to be effective. In the book of James, it states that “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16).

The Bible also teaches that faith can bring about real change. In Mark 11:24, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray with faith, stating “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This passage emphasizes the power of faith in bringing about change through prayer.

In conclusion, according to the teachings of the Bible, faith is a key factor in the power of prayers for the lost. When we pray with strong faith, it can bring about real change in our lives and in the lives of those for whom we are praying. However, it’s important to note that the concept of answered prayers can also be complex and may not always happen in the way that we expect. Nevertheless, prayer is an important aspect of the Christian faith and its value as a means of communicating with God and seeking His guidance.


Prayer is an important part of the grieving process. The Bible has many prayers for those who have lost loved ones. These prayers can provide comfort and guidance to those who are struggling with their loss. I hope you found this blog helpful in your time of need. If you would like more information on how to find peace after a loss, please visit our website or contact us directly. We would be happy to help. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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