
20 Empowering Prayers for Infants

Prayers for Infants
Written by Joseph Crescent

Starting your child’s faith journey from a young age is a gift that will last a lifetime. Instilling prayers and spiritual values in their formative years sets the foundation for a strong spiritual future. That’s why we’ve gathered 20 of the most powerful prayers for infants to help you guide your little one on their faith journey.”

From prayers for protection and guidance to prayers for strength and growth, these 20 powerful prayers for infants cover a range of important themes. Each prayer is crafted to be simple, yet meaningful, allowing even the youngest of children to understand and participate. Whether you choose to pray these prayers as a family, or individually with your child, they are sure to bring comfort and spiritual growth to your little one’s life.”

5 Things to Do Before Prayers for Infants

Before you begin your infants prayers, there are a few things you should do to ensure that the experience is positive and productive.

  1. First, take a moment to still your mind and clear your thoughts. This will help you to focus on your intention for the prayer.
  2. Second, spend a few minutes quiet reflection. This will help you to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings.
  3. Third, choose your words carefully. The words you use during your prayer will have a powerful impact, so make them count.
  4. Fourth, focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths and let them fill your lungs completely.
  5. Fifth, be patient. Don’t expect miracles to happen overnight; instead, trust that the power of your prayer will unfold in its own time and in its own way.

Prayer for infant Jesus

Example 1:

“God our Father, you sent your Son into the world to be our Savior. Look with love on these new parents as they welcome their child. Grant them courage and strength to raise him according to your will. Amen.”

Example 2:

“Jesus, our Lord and Savior, you came into the world as a humble baby. Help us to remember that greatness comes not from power or riches, but from humility and obedience. Amen.”

Example 3:

“Holy Spirit, comforter and guide, you sent your Son to be born among us. Fill us with your presence, that we may always follow His example of love and service. Amen.”

Example 4:

“Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, you tumblr set aside your throne in heaven to become a helpless infant. Help us to remember that true greatness comes not from power or riches, but from humility and obedience. Amen.”

For More: 19 Powerful Prayers For Pregnant Mothers

Prayer for sick infant

Example 5:

Dear God, please heal my little one and make them whole again. Give them the strength to fight whatever illness they are facing, and guide the doctors and nurses who are caring for them. Amen.

Example 6:

Heavenly Father, we come to you with heavy hearts but also with great faith. Please heal our baby and bring them back to us healthy and happy. We know that nothing is impossible for you, and we trust in your power to work miracles. Amen.

Example 7:

Lord Jesus, we ask that you lay your healing hands upon our child. Bring them comfort in this time of sickness and fill them with your peace. We know that you are the Great Physician and we place our hope in you for complete restoration. Amen.

Example 8:

Almighty God, we humbly beseech you to hear our prayers for our sick infant. Grant that they may be healed according to your will and give us the grace to accept whatever outcome you have planned for them. We love them unconditionally and trust that you will work all things together for good. Amen.”

For More: 18 Powerful Prayers For Sick Animals

Prayer for infant healing

Prayer is a powerful tool, and there are many prayers for infant healing available. Whether your baby is suffering from a cold or something more serious, these prayers can help to comfort and heal. Here are four of the most popular prayers for infant healing:

Example 9:

The first prayer is for babies who are sick. Dear God, we ask that you would heals our baby. We know that you love them and only want what is best for them. Please give the doctors wisdom and give our baby strength to fight whatever they are going through. Amen.

Example 10:

The second prayer is for newborns. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this precious new life. We ask that you would watch over them and keep them safe from harm. Please bless them with good health and happiness. Amen.

Example 11:

The third prayer is for premature babies. Lord, we know that every life is precious in your eyes. We ask that you would surround these little ones with your love and care. Give their parents strength as they wait and hope for their baby’s health. Amen.

Example 12:

The fourth prayer is for all infants. Heavenly Father, we ask that you would bless all infants around the world. Please protect them from harm and give them the chance to grow up healthy and happy. Amen.”

For More: 10 Best Prayers for My Sick Cat

Prayer for infant surgery

Example 13:

Dear Lord, we pray for strength as we undergo this surgery with our infant. Grant us courage and peace as we entrust our child into Your care. Amen.

Example 14:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of our child. We ask that You would watch over us during this time of surgery and recovery. Grant us wisdom and knowledge as we make decisions for our child’s care. Amen.

Example 15:

Almighty God, we know that You are sovereign over all things. We trust in Your goodness and mercy as we face this surgery with our infant. We ask that You would grant us favor with the medical staff and a successful surgery. Amen.

Example 16:

Father, we know that You love our child even more than we do. We ask that You would surround us with Your love and peace during this time of anxiety and vulnerability. Amen.”

For More: 15 Best Prayers For Healing after Surgery

Prayer to the divine infant Jesus

Example 17:

The first prayer is “Divine Infant Jesus, I consecrate myself to You.” This prayer means that you give yourself over to the care and protection of the Divine Infant Jesus. You entrust yourself to Him, and you ask that He guide and protect you in all aspects of your life.

Example 18:

The second prayer is “Divine Infant Jesus, I offer You my heart.” This prayer means that you offer your whole self to the Divine Infant Jesus. You offer Him your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul. You ask that He fills you with His love and grace.

Example 19:

The third prayer is “Divine Infant Jesus, I ask for Your blessings.” This prayer means that you ask the Divine Infant Jesus to bless you in all areas of your life. You ask for His guidance, His protection, and His love.

Example 20:

The fourth prayer is “Divine Infant Jesus, I thank You.” This prayer means that you thank the Divine Infant Jesus for all He has done for you. You thank Him for His love, His mercy, and His grace. You thank Him for His blessings in your life.

For More: 18 Best Prayers for God to Intervene

5 Benefits of Prayers for Infants

Parents often ask whether or not they should pray for their infants. The answer is a resounding yes! Here are five benefits of prayers for infants:

  1. Prayers help to foster a bond between parent and child.
  2. Prayers can help to instill religious values in children from a young age.
  3. Prayers can provide comfort and solace during times of stress or illness.
  4. Prayers can give parents a sense of connection to their child, even when they are apart.
  5. Prayers can be a source of strength and support during difficult times.


I hope you found this blog helpful. It is certainly a lot to take in, but the bottom line is that we should all be praying for our infants. Prayer not only helps them spiritually, but it has also been shown to have physical and emotional benefits as well. When we pray for our children, we are committing ourselves to their care and protection. May God bless each and every one of you as you raise your little ones in His grace. If you are looking for more information on prayers for infants or would like to share your own prayer with us, please leave a comment below. We love to hear from our readers!

About the author

Joseph Crescent

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